Daily Buzz | Select Board to Discuss Beer Garden and September Primary Election
And one day of respite before temps soar

Hello, friends!
I’m no weather reporter, but I do feel the obligation to let you know that it’s going to be hot as blazes (I do believe that is the technical term) this week. Please take care to keep cool and stay hydrated!
Today in Burlington
Just one meeting today, and it’s bound to be eventful.
- 6:00 PM - Select Board meets to make some appointments, including Assistant Town Administrator and election workers for the September primary election, approve the use of the common for a baby shower and an IAB (Indian Americans for Burlington) event, discuss some liquor license violations, and talk about some potential beer garden dates (!!!). Of note, the discussions about the Town Common Policy (which, if I’m not mistaken, includes flag policies) and the Sculpture Park are postponed once more. (Join via webex)
And that’s all she wrote.
Tomorrow will be a little more eventful. See you then!