Daily Buzz | Planning Board to Vote on Proposed Articles for Town Meeting
Also: no school today; Hanukkah starts at sundown tonight!

Good morning, neighbors!
There is no school today in Burlington Public schools, as middle and high school teachers participate in professional development and elementary schools hold parent conferences.
And this evening, don’t miss the Womenade fundraising event. The best part is, you don’t have to do anything besides drop off your child! Kids ages 5+ are welcome to enjoy an evening of games, crafts, and more'; meanwhile, you get to enjoy a night on the town—or go home and curl up on the couch with a movie or a good book! The cost is $20 per child, and all proceeds will go toward helping a local family in need. See more details below, and direct further questions to avacicolini@gmail.com.
Planning Board to Vote on Proposed Articles for Town Meeting
The Planning Board will hold its final meeting of 2023 this evening, finishing out the public hearings about the proposed Warrant Articles your representatives will vote on at January Town Meeting.
As a reminder of where we left off:
- Herb Chambers Kia Dealership Expansion (Proponent: Herb Chambers): This article, re-introduced after it was pulled during September Town Meeting after testimony and a petition from residents of the adjacent neighborhood, faces opposition from direct abutters who have concerns about traffic, pedestrian safety, privacy, and potential water issues. The proponent has done some community outreach and attempted to reassure concerned neighbors that they want to work toward making a more functional space for the business while enhancing the appearance of the area.
- Amending the 100 Year Flood Plain bylaw (Proponent: Conservation Department): You can see the current bylaw on Page 60 of the 2022 Zoning Bylaws
- Amending the Accessory Use Bylaws for the One-Family Residential Zoning District (Proponent: Zoning Bylaw Review Committee): Some updated language and definitions, with the intention of creating clearer definitions that leave less up to interpretation and give the Building Inspector clearer guidelines for enforcement. Of specific interest at the last public hearing was the proposed update to the definition of “structure,” which went from very narrow to very broad. We’ll see tonight if the ZBRC was able to create something in the Goldilocks Zone.
- Middle Housing Definition is going to be postponed with the intention of developing zoning to accompany the definition.
- Fitness Facilities Definition (Proponent: Planet Fitness): Adding in a definition for Fitness Studio (under 5,000 square feet) and differentiating it from a Fitness Center, which is larger (5,000-20,000 square feet). Zoning would have these facilities located in separate areas of town, with studios located in the Town Center and other places and centers allowed in areas outside the Town Center overlay, such as the south side of town in the area near Middlesex Turnpike Extension, where Planet Fitness hopes to relocate. Expect discussion tonight about whether a fitness center should be allowed by right or by special permit in these areas.
- Wireless Communication Facilities Bylaw Updates: I haven’t had the chance to go through all 17 pages of this proposal, but I’m interested to hear how it will change the regulation of cell phone towers and the like here in Burlington. This item wasn’t discussed at the 11/16 meeting.
- Modernizing Definitions and Principal Use Regulation Table: This is just what it sounds like, and is designed to update the language used in the zoning bylaws definitions and ensure correlation with the Use Table. This is mostly a housekeeping article that seeks to update outdated definitions and reorganize uses to where they make the most sense for today.
- Updating Parking Requirements: This bylaw includes flexibility for modern uses, design standards for parking facilities, landscaping requirements, dimensions for parking spaces of different formats, use cases for different kinds of parking formats, and more! There is also an addition for Shared Parking, which was something that was discussed at September’s Town Meeting.
This will be the last public hearing before the Planning Board votes on whether or not to support each of these articles in front of Town Meeting.
Thanks to those of you who have already contributed to the Buzz Winter Campaign. One of the first things we plan to do, after paying the folks who make the Buzz better and better each day, is to create a new, more customizable website. Your contribution will support hosting and development fees, as well as a much more sophisticated calendaring system that helps you find local events and community meetings without combing through each Daily Buzz. We so appreciate your support as we renew and improve in the new year!

Today in Burlington
Municipal Meetings and Community Events
- 1st Night of Hanukkah - What is Hanukkah? Learn more here.
- No School - Professional Development for 6-12; Parent Conferences for PreK-5.
- 10:00-1:00PM - Library Closed - Buzz Challenge: Can you read an entire book in these three hours?! Tell us about it on social media! #BuzzBPLChallenge
- 12:30-3:00 PM - Bridge club (Human Resources Building, 2nd floor)
- 3:00-4:00PM - Teen Volunteer: Bookend Painting - Help the library staff jazz up the bookends for the shelves! Grades 6-12. (Library; Register)
- 5:30-8:00 PM - Parents Night Out Fundraiser by Burlington Womenade - Drop your kids ages 5+ for a fun evening for a good cause! See above for more info. (BHS)
- 6:00-8:45PM - Tabletop Board Game Group for Adults - Are you a seasoned game player? Or maybe you’ve always wanted to learn how to play. Join your neighbors and friends to play some games! Start with some fast/warm up type games, then start the official featured game at 6:30PM. After the featured game ends, informal game time begins. Try your hand at a new one, or play an old favorite! (Library)
- 6:30PM - Planning Board will finish out their public hearings and vote on January Town Meeting Warrant Articles. Their brief agenda summary is below, and you can find a more detailed look at each article and where they left off at their 11/16 meeting above. (Town Hall Main Hearing Room and Virtual)

Sports and Activities
Nothing on the calendar today, as high school teams continue to hone their skills and strategy for the regular season.
That’s all for today. I’ll see you tomorrow! Stay warm out there.
Share this Buzz with someone who could use a kid-free few hours this evening.