Daily Buzz | New Town Meeting Members
And Planning Board to discuss candidate interviews

Good day!
What a great day to walk/bike/roll to school yesterday! Fox Hill had so much participation, the bike rack was fuller than I’ve ever seen it by an order of magnitude. let’s keep this up!
Town Meeting Gains 3 New Members
Members of Precincts 6 and 7 assembled in person and remotely yesterday to nominate and vote on who to appoint to fill the vacancies left in Town Meeting for these precincts.
Six members from Precinct 6 were present to chose between three candidates for the single open seat. In the end, Jim Round, who narrowly lost the election in April, received a seat after all.
Thirteen (!!!) Precinct 7 representatives voted unanimously to appoint Cynthia Kazanjian and Jennifer Goldsmith to two of the three open seats. That Precinct will be looking for one more candidate to fill the seat before Town Meeting next Wednesday. If you live in P7, now’s your moment!
Look out for future stories
Okay, I thought I’d have more capacity today for talking, but it turns out yesterday was a very full day and I didn’t have much of a chance to sit down and put my thoughts on paper.
I have thoughts in the works, though:
- How the lack of enthusiasm for running for office in Burlington (and elsewhere) is tied to our DEI initiatives
- Hybrid versus in-person Town Meeting
- A Community Piece on the Sculpture Park
- More that I can’t think of now
As soon as I get a chance to articulate these, I’ll let you know. They’re all important, but this week is just crazy, so it’s up in the air whether or not I get to it.
Today in Burlington
The only thing on the agenda today is a discussion of Planning Board candidates by the Planning Board, so they can make an appointment to fill the vacancy left by Mike Espejo when he was elected to Select Board. Out of many applicants, they interviewed five candidates: Toni Ann Natola, Christopher Hartling, Jessica Sutherland, Craig Foster, and Niteen Khatra. What great interest in this very important board! (Join via Webex)
Friday Funny
I’m not in a super funny mood this week, but I did come across a few fun jokes/memes that I thought you’d like. Here’s one.

Literally, ✅☑✔ and .
I hope you have a spectacular Friday and a lovely weekend.
See you tomorrow!