Daily Buzz | Planning Board Hears Bylaw Change Requests From Planet Fitness, Herb Chambers, and Local Boards
And, don't miss Thanksgiving-related events this weekend!

Hello, Burlington, and Happy Friday!
This weekend is full of Thanksgiving-related events, including pickup for the Burlington Community Scholarship Fund Pie Fundraiser on Sunday from 11-12 at Marshall Simonds Middle School and the town’s Turkey Trot on Sunday morning. Also, People Helping People will be holding their drive-through Thanksgiving Drive on Saturday; see below for more information about these events.
The Home Builders & Remodelers Association of Massachusetts (HBRAMA) welcomed a new slate of senior officers and honored “legends of the industry” at the organization’s 63rd Annual Installation and Awards Ceremony on Cape Cod last weekend. Burlington builder and realtor, Susan Kadilak, is the Vice President/Treasurer of the HBRAMA. Read more about this year’s senior officers and the awards ceremony in the Buzz!
Community Information
Home Builders & Remodelers Association Honors Industry Legends
Nicci Kadilak • Nov 17, 2023

The Home Builders & Remodelers Association of Massachusetts (…
Read full story →
Planning Board Hears Bylaw Change Requests From Planet Fitness, Herb Chambers, and Local Boards
The Planning Board heard last night from the proponents of most of the zoning-related articles that are proposed to appear on the Town Meeting Warrant in January. All items were continued, but here is a summary of where the conversations stand, along with updated narrative from yesterday’s Buzz:
Herb Chambers Kia Dealership Expansion (Proponent: Herb Chambers): This article was on the September Town Meeting Warrant and, following some emotional testimony from a neighbor and the submission of a petition from abutters, the proponents requested it be withdrawn without prejudice so they could continue their community outreach efforts. The company plans to expand their 93 Cambridge Street dealership into numbers 95 and 97. They’ve held a community meeting at the dealership and plan to continue gathering input from the community.
Several community members spoke, with four against—or at least cautious about—the project and one in favor. The proponent, who is requesting a zoning change that would allow the dealership to expand, attempted to reassure community members that the residential property behind the dealership wouldn’t be repurposed as a part of this project and that this would enhance the appearance of this area of Cambridge Street.
Concerns were around privacy, safety, potential water diversion to residential properties, and traffic—including changes in traffic flow that will occur once the Route 3A repaving and restriping project is completed by the state.
This item was continued to December 7.
Amending the 100 Year Flood Plain bylaw (Proponent: Conservation Department): You can see the current bylaw on Page 60 of the 2022 Zoning Bylaws
Amending the Accessory Use Bylaws for the One-Family Residential Zoning District (Proponent: Zoning Bylaw Review Committee): Some updated language and definitions, changing “yard” to “setback” and changing the definition of structure to “Any man-made building, construction, or facility that is installed on the land.” (Previously, this bylaw had specified that it be installed in the soil.)
The purpose of this update is to create clearer definitions that leave less up to interpretation so the Building Inspector has clearer guidelines for enforcement.
A lot of time was spent on the definition of “structure” and the ZBRC was cautioned to be very deliberate if changing this definition to avoid unintended consequences (such as needing a demolition permit for a doghouse or having to move a swingset every year because of where they’d fall under the new definition).
This will be revisited on December 7, but might be postponed in full or part if the Boards don’t have sufficient time to meet and come to a satisfactory definition. This is something to be sure to get right the first time.
Middle Housing Definition (Proponent: Planning Department): Adding a definition of Middle Housing to the Zoning Bylaws Article II, where the definitions are kept. (To save you a click, this is the definition proposed: “A range of house-scale buildings with multiple units—compatible in scale and form with detached single-family homes.”)
The general consensus was that some kind of zoning should accompany this definition, so that people can understand where this kind of housing might be located.
This item will be revisited in February with a goal of getting it into the Warrant for September’s Town Meeting.
Fitness Facilities Definition (Proponent: Planet Fitness): Adding in a definition for Fitness Studio (under 5,000 square feet) and differentiating it from a Fitness Center, which is larger (5,000-20,000 square feet).
The spirit of this update would be to have two separate definitions of fitness facilities—fitness studios, allowed in the Town Center and other places, which is a smaller facility of less than 5,000 square feet, and fitness centers, which can go up to 20,000 square feet and are allowed in other places, particularly the south side of town in the area near Middlesex Turnpike Extension, where Planet Fitness hopes to relocate.
Discussion was had about making this a special permit thing rather than a by right use, but that conversation isn’t final.
This item was continued to December 7.
Wireless Communication Facilities Bylaw Updates: I haven’t had the chance to go through all 17 pages of this proposal, but I’m interested to hear how it will change the regulation of cell phone towers and the like here in Burlington.
This item wasn’t discussed and was continued to the December 7 meeting.
Modernizing Definitions and Principal Use Regulation Table: This is just what it sounds like, and is designed to update the language used in the zoning bylaws definitions and ensure correlation with the Use Table.
This is mostly a housekeeping article having to do with updating outdated definitions and reorganizing uses to where they make the most sense for today.
This will continue to be reviewed and was continued to December 7.
Updating Parking Requirements: Lots of updates here, and again, I didn’t have time to review the whole thing, but I did notice an addition for Shared Parking, which was something that was discussed at September’s Town Meeting. My hunch is that this is to update parking requirements to reflect today’s landscape of remote work and reduce the asphalt parking lots—in keeping with the initiative to rezone the area around Blanchard Road, Mall Road, and Middlesex Turnpike. Again, interested to hear more at the Planning Board meeting.
Some high-level notes: This bylaw includes flexibility for modern uses, design standards for parking facilities, landscaping requirements, dimensions for parking spaces of different formats, use cases for different kinds of parking formats, and more!
This will continue to be reviewed and was continued to December 7.
Today in Burlington
Municipal Meetings and Community Events
Friday, November 17
- 9:30-10:00 AM - Kids Jammin’ on the Green - last day of the season! (3rd Ave; Register)
- 10:30-11:30 AM - Mysterious Mornings Book Club: The Maid (Library; Registration Requested but Drop In Welcome)
- 11:30-12:00 PM - Preschool Story & Craft - Ages 3-6, with caregiver (Library; Register)
- 8:00 PM - Burlington Players Fall Show: Midnight and Moll Flanders Bring a nonperishable food item for People Helping People and receive a free concession! (1 Edgemere Ave.)
Saturday, November 18
- 10:00 AM-1:00 PM - Food Drive and Thanksgiving Meal Distribution - Supporting People Helping People (United Church of Christ; 6 Lexington St, Burlington; More Information or to Volunteer - call Lucy 339-221-8178)
- 5:00 PM - Holiday Grapevine Wreath Making (Made in Burlington; Tickets)
- 8:00 PM - Burlington Players Fall Show: Midnight and Moll Flanders Bring a nonperishable food item for People Helping People and receive a free concession! (1 Edgemere Ave.)
- Free smoke alarm installation - call to make an appointment: 800-564-1234), or to learn more about the program, click here.
Sunday, November 19
- 9:00 AM - Burlington Parks & Recreation 5k Turkey Trot - Register here (Activity number: 100981)
Sports and Activities
Tomorrow at 9:00, the JV Football team will host Bedford. Good luck!
Friday Funny
In the camp of things from our everyday lives of which our children will never see

Thanks for being awesome Burlington. Look out for the Guide to winter in your inbox tomorrow morning, and plan to bookmark it to reference throughout the winter season!
Share this Buzz with someone who wants to help others this Thanksgiving.