Daily Buzz | Planning Board Discusses Proposed Project at Roger's Piano Location

And...[broken record alert] Register to vote!

Daily Buzz | Planning Board Discusses Proposed Project at Roger's Piano Location

Morning, friends! See, what did I tell you? Wednesday went by in a flash.

Only a few items on the agenda today, so I’ll take this opportunity to remind you once more to register to vote. The deadline, remember, is tomorrow if you want to vote in the April election. And I know you want to vote in the April election, considering how knowledgeable you have become about all the things going on around town. Right? Right.

We’ve got a brand new Instagram account to complement what we’ve got going on over at Twitter and Facebook. Because why not?

Our community will be coming together tomorrow at 5:30 at the Sculpture Park for a vigil to show our solidarity with and support for the people of Ukraine, which has been ravaged by the war.

Okay, there are some budget meetings today and a Planning Board meeting. I’m following the Roger’s Piano property discussion as best I can, because I want to understand the potential impact to the area of the Town Center just past Bedford Street toward the high school. See below for more details.

  • 10:00 AM - Ways & Means MIS Subcommittee reviews the Management Information Systems Department budget and the Capital Improvements line item.
  • 6:00 PM - Ways & Means School Subcommittee meets to review the school budget discussed by the School Committee on Tuesday. (Join via Webex)
  • 7:00 PM - Planning Board Meets open hearings to discuss, among other items, the proposed development in the Roger’s Piano space (on Cambridge Street near the High School entrance). The questions on the table are whether to create a Town Center Multifamily zone, and then whether to rezone that property into that TCM zone. There has been a lot of discussion on this so far, including traffic impact, what the actual need is for this type of residential property, and other concerns. Definitely attend if you want to learn more about this project. (Join via Webex)

Alright, that’s all for today. Don’t forget to reach out for me if you’re a Precinct 6 TMM candidate so we can chat for a few minutes. It’ll be painless, I promise!

See you tomorrow,
