Daily Buzz | Planning Board Can't Fit Agenda Items Into English Alphabet, Has to Create New One
And, 11U Ripken players win at regional semifinals

Hello, Burlington!
I’ve been locked in the air conditioning for days (except for those few terrifying minutes midday on Tuesday when the power went out), and I don’t have much to report from around town. So two quick announcements, and then I’ll move you right along to our single meeting today and send you on your way.
- Our 11U Ripken team won their semifinals game last night at regionals! On to the championship game? I think that’s how it works! More info to come as I learn it. Super huge congratulations to all the players, coaches, and families!
Mail-in ballot applications are here! We got ours in the mail yesterday, and you need to fill it out and have it delivered by August 29. You can opt to receive ballots for the September 6 primary, the November general election, or both. Please remember that if you are unenrolled, you can choose to vote in either the democratic or republican primary. I know you’re registered (right??!!) so be sure to cross your ts and dot your is so you can vote and have your voice heard this year!
Today in Burlington
There’s only one agenda item today, but it’s a doozy.
- 7:00 PM - Planning Board meets to discuss so many items, the alphabet had to start over again to fit all the bullets in. Despite the length of the list, many of the items will be grouped together in continued public hearings on 30 Winn Street (Lexington Lawn Care), 1 Burlington Mall Road, 3 Burlington Woods, 22 Terry Avenue, and 3 September Lane. They’ll also continue discussions with the Zoning Bylaw Review Sign Subcommittee on updating the zoning bylaw and town center signage map. New hearings will include some special permits for LeMaitre Vascular at 63 Second Avenue and American Towers at 51 North Avenue and restaurant applications for Strega and a fast food establishment. (Join via webex)
Catch you on the flipside, Burlington!