Daily Buzz | Petition Circulates Ahead of Development Vote
And, Local Author Book Fair this weekend

Good Morning, Burlington!
Winn View Heights II is back on the Select Board agenda for next Monday, when the Board will take another vote about whether or not to provide a letter of support to the state regarding this proposed development at 35 Mountain Road. I won’t rehash all the arguments for and against this project, but you can read all about them here and here.
In response to Select Board members pointing out that the same handful of people speak consistently against this project at meetings, a petition called “Winn View Heights II is Bad for Burlington” was created and is circulating among the community. So far, it has garnered 360 signatures with 119 comments from signers.
The Select Board has voted on this project before, and the result was 2-1-1, with one Board member being absent. The proponent has requested to bring the proposal before the Board again to benefit from a full Board vote. Again, this vote is scheduled to take place next Monday, June 26.
I realized this morning I forgot to tell you about the Local Author Book Fair at the Woburn Public Library this Saturday from 1-4. It’s been on my calendar for so long that I’d almost forgotten about it, but this is a great opportunity for readers to connect with local authors from all genres. And, of course, yours truly will be there meeting readers and selling books!
Today in Burlington
Meetings and Events
- 9:00 AM - Housing Authority - Special Meeting to present two candidates for the Executive Director position and offer the position if the Board is prepared to do so. (Tower Hill Community Room)
- 10:30 AM - Circle Sayings Card Making Class at Made in Burlington
- 12:30-3:00 PM - Bridge club (Human Resources Building, 2nd floor)
- 6:00 PM - Recreation Commission will discuss senior fitness classes, a licensing agreement with the Community Theater Company of Burlington, and the public participation policy. (BHS)
- 6:30 PM - Conservation Commission will discuss projects at Wheeler Road, Ray Avenue, Sandy Brook Road, and Wall Street and will discuss a change to the wetland bylaw. (Town Hall and Virtual)
That’s it for today. See you tomorrow!