Daily Buzz | Library Trustees Meet This Evening
And some notes from the Board of Health

My week is catching up to me, and I am going to take it easy today.
Board of Health Snippets
I did finish listening to the Board of Health meeting, and I have some snippets for you.
- The Board of Health Faculty discussion is indeed what I thought it was, and it’s super exciting (to a nerd like me, anyway): The BoH is going to assemble a faculty of experts who can go to speak at various places - schools, special events and groups, etc. - on specific topics around public health. Super cool!
- Those bunkers over at Northeastern haven’t been inspected in 3 years. They’re supposed to be inspected every 2 for structural integrity. Right now they’re cordoned off, but the BoH continued this hearing until October, and the parties will need to appear before the Board again unless the inspection report is received ahead of that October meeting date.
- We are beefing up our tobacco sale regulations to be in line with state guidelines. This includes much steeper fines. (Think: from hundreds to thousands.) I don’t want to get too into the weeds, so if you require more detail, watch the meeting starting around 20 minutes.
- A subcommittee of the Board reviewed our public smoking guidelines and ultimately decided overregulation is difficult to enforce and takes away from employees of other Town organizations doing their jobs. They haven’t received many smoking complaints, so they are not inclined to impose stricter regulations now.
Today in Burlington
There’s only one meeting on the agenda:
- 7:00 PM - Library Trustees has their regular meeting. Their agenda items are always pretty generic, which is why I don’t say much about them. But they’re meeting, and it’s open which means any of us could go check it out and see what it’s about if we wanted to!
That’s it for today. I hope you have a lovely one!