Daily Buzz | Joint Sessions Tonight to Vote on School Department Budget Items
And Shawsheen names its Semester 2 Seniors of the Month

Today is a quick one. While it looks like there are a lot of meetings, a couple of them are actually joint sessions for the presentation of, and voting on, the various school-budget-related warrant articles - first from the Ways & Means School Subcommittee and then from Capital Budget.
In your travels today, be sure to check out the Shawsheen Seniors of the Month! No Burlington representation this time, but congrats to these awesome seniors who are now in the running for an end-of-year scholarship.
Here’s what’s on the agenda today.
- 2:00 PM - Board of Health Subcommittee meets to discuss a couple special permits at 1 Mall Road. (Join via Webex)
- 5:30 PM - School Committee - Special Session with Ways & Means Subcommittee wherein Ways & Means will review the Superintendent’s Budget, the Special Education Budget, and the Capital Articles related to the School Department and vote on each. W&M will also review the Assessments for Shawsheen, Minuteman, and Essex. (Join via Webex)
- 7:00 PM - Capital Budget & School Committee Joint session to review capital warrant articles from the School Department; Capital Budget will also vote on 3 other articles: 3A Transportation Study; Sculpture Park funding; Historical Storage Shed. (I don’t see a virtual option here, but if you can’t make the in-person meeting, you can hear how each committee voted when each article is presented at Town Meeting.)
- 7:30 PM - Board of Appeals meets to continue public hearings regarding signage for Joss & Main and D1 Training.
That’s it for today. See you tomorrow!