Daily Buzz | Help the Library Set its 5-Year Vision
Also, an encouraging election update, K-8 Computer Science Night

Welcome to Thursday, Burlington!
Today I come to you with a great opportunity. In only a few minutes of your time, you can help the town and its residents get the most out of our public library. The library is in the process of setting its strategic plan for the next five years, and your input is essential.
Take the Library’s community survey here and/or its young adult (ages 11-18) survey here. If you prefer to fill out the survey in a different language, click here. Spanish, Hindi, and Mandarin versions are currently available.
Even if you don’t use library services, your input will be helpful! This survey is only open for two weeks, so be sure to fill it out today!
I also have a really exciting update about the town election, which is coming up on April 1. If everyone turns in their papers, all town-wide seats have enough candidates to fill them, AND we will have contested races in:
- School Committee
- Planning Board
- Library Trustees
- Recreation Commission
- Precinct 5 Town Meeting
- Precinct 6 Town Meeting
Currently we do not have enough candidates to fill open Town Meeting seats in Precincts 2 and 4. If you live in one of these precincts, and are interested in getting involved in Town government, now is the time. Check your precinct here if you’re not sure.
Also—I’ll say this louder for the folks in the back: Just because there are enough potential candidates to fill empty seats doesn’t mean you can’t or shouldn’t run if you think you’d do the best job in the role. Contested races are important because they force candidates to articulate their platform and explain how they will represent the best interests of the town and its residents.
There is still time to take out papers before the 2/8 deadline. Nomination papers with signatures must be returned by 1:00 PM on 2/10. Full list here and at the Town Clerk’s website.
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Today in Burlington
Meetings and Events
- 4:00 PM - Comic Craze: Grades 3-8 at the library (Register)
- 6:30 PM - Family Night of Computer Science at MSMS (Registration closed)
- 6:30 PM - Planning Board meets at Town Hall and online. here are some agenda items, courtesy of Assistant Town Planner, Caleb Zimmerman.

Sports and Activities
Hockey was postponed yesterday, and the only score update I have for you is a 30-39 wrestling loss against Keefe Tech.
The Boys’ Swim team goes up against Belmont today at Bentley at 2:45.
Varsity Hockey will play Woburn at the Ice Palace today; girls skate at 3:30 and boys at 5:30.
Have a wonderful day, Burlington! I’ll see you FRIDAY!