Daily Buzz | Grant Allows for Solar Array at Mill Pond, No School Today
Also, the Buzz makes an appearance on NPR

Good Morning, Burlington!
Happy Pi Day! The Buzz is letting its nerd flag fly high today with a special Tuesday comic—be sure to read to the end!
Also—There will be no school in Burlington today. There was a call last night asserting otherwise, but another one came in at 5:12 this morning apparently reversing that decision. Now that that’s out of the way...
Welcome to those of you who are joining us after hearing about the Buzz on WGBH/NPR yesterday morning! Thanks to Jeremy Siegel for shining a light on all the good work local news entrepreneurs are doing in the area and painting a hopeful picture of the local news landscape. As always, the best ways to support the Buzz are twofold:
- Share with anyone you know in Burlington. A huge number of residents already know about us and subscribe. But there are even more who aren’t aware of who we are and the service we provide for the community. Please be sure to share the Buzz and encourage your Burlington friends and family to subscribe.
Become a paying member of the Hive. Membership comes with a semi-regular Hive Roundup email, in-person meetups to be scheduled after the election, and other future perks. But mostly, paid members support a local business and the local news ecosystem.
Grant Allows for Solar Array at Mill Pond
At the Select Board meeting last night, DPW director Bryan White and Business Manager Rachel Leonardo presented their budget along with a few tidbits that residents will find interesting. Not mentioned below, yet a recurring theme in everything budgetary: Inflation has increased the cost of basically everything.
Demand for large recycling toters has dropped off, but the DPW still has them! So don’t forget to call 781-270-1670 and request yours. There’s no firm plan to install new cardboard dumpsters yet, and it sounds like the DPW is just waiting to see how it goes with the large toters.
This year we had a snow removal deficit of about $250,000 (not including whatever is going on out there today). But that doesn’t mena we don’t have the money to cover it: The state allows us to overspend our snow removal budget because it’s so important to the functioning of the town, and so we underbudget the allocation each year for snow removal while having a surplus in the general budget. That way, if it doesn’t snow, we won’t be stuck with a bunch of funding we don’t need and if it does, we can just shift it from the general budget to the snow removal budget. So that’s what the Select Board voted to do last night. I imagine that will be happening again after this storm.
Burlington joined Green Communities back in 2019 and committed to reduce our energy footprint by 20% in five years. After two annual reports, our energy footprint is down 11%, and the town is receiving two grants to usher along that process:
Air sealing the last two town buildings, the TownHall and Town Hall Annex (required prior to updating HVAC)—72% of this project will be subsidized by Green Communities
A DEP grant targeting waste water and drinking water has been awarded to Burlington to cover 90% of the installation of a solar array and weatherization of the Mill Pond building.
Today in Burlington
No word yet if any of these will be canceled due to the weather; if you plan to attend any of these events in person, please be sure to call or check the website ahead of time.
Meetings and Events
- 10:00 AM - Ways and Means Building Subcommittee will review the proposed FY24 budget for the Building Department. (Town Hall Annex)
- 11:00 AM - Free blood pressure screening at the library.
- 11:00 AM - Ways and Means Board of Health Subcommittee will review the proposed FY 24 budget for the Health Department as well as the accommodated accounts for mosquito control and hazardous waste. (Human Services Building)
- 4:00 PM - Teen Event - Celebrate Pi Day at the library. (Register)
- 5:00 PM - Ways and Means Public Safety Subcommittee will review the proposed FY24 budgets for fire, police, and emergency management. (Town Hall)
- 5:30 PM - Board of Health Subcommittee - Supervisory Nurse Interview (Human Services Building)
- 7:00 PM - Board of Health will review a special permit, discuss a grant, and hold a public hearing about temporary suspension of the permit for LifeTime Athletic’s LifeCafe. (Town Hall and online)
- 7:00 PM - Capital Budget Meeting - Fire Department will review and discuss capital requests from BFD. (Town Hall Annex)
- 7:00 PM - Land Use - Bylaw Wording Subcommittee (Town Hall)
- 7:00 PM - School Committee will hold a Public Hearing Regarding School Choice. A few items on the agenda that caught my interest: Equity Audit Update, and Introduction of Assistant Superintendent. There will also be a budget review. (BHS and online)
- 7:00 PM - An America Divided: Can We Live With One Another? with New Yorker Staff Writer, Emma Green (Zoom talk through the library - Register here)
Pi Day Funny
Since there are no sports on the calendar, I’m co-opting this section for a brief Pi Day celebration.

Take care, neighbors. See you tomorrow.