Daily Buzz | Elderly and Disabled Taxation Fund Committee Seeking Members
Here's your opportunity to get involved

Good Morning, Burlington!
This morning I want to let you know that a new committee has been formed and you can be a part of it. As you might already be aware, the Town makes an explicit effort to ease the burden of financial hardship on our seniors and those living with disabilities. This program itself was approved this year at May Town Meeting, and currently the Committee consists of three town employees. However, they received approval from the Select Board to add three at-large community member positions to the Committee.
This fund works by placing a check box on the municipal tax bills so that residents can opt to pay an additional amount into a fund that is distributed to those in need of assistance. As you can imagine, one barrier to this is that residents don’t always look at their tax bills because real estate taxes are often paid by mortgage companies. I imagine part of the job of this committee will be brainstorming ways to build awareness of the program so folks will know about the program and opt in. (There is also a scholarship fund that operates in the same way, which would benefit from this heightened awareness, as well.)
If you’re interested in becoming a member of this committee, helping review applications and allocate funds as well as raising awareness within applicable legal frameworks, please contact Lyn Mills at 781-270-1659 or lmills@burlington.org.
Today in Burlington
Meetings and Events
- 5:00 PM - Shawsheen Budget Subcommittee and Shawsheen Facilities/Capital Planning Subcommittee - these are listed separately on the calendar, but it appears to be a joint meeting to review 2024-28 capital budget recommendations and preview the operating budget process for the upcoming fiscal year.
- 5:00 PM - Holiday Home Tour by Kadilak Realty Group to benefit Burlington Womenade. Tour specially selected homes in Burlington beautifully decorated for the holiday season, and enjoy drinks, appetizers, & raffles at the KRG office. Get tickets here.
- 7:00 PM - School Committee will discuss the draft posting for Assistant Superintendent, and items such as the BHS and Fox Hill building updates, food service management, the school climate survey families received this week, and more. (Join online)
- 7:00 PM - Board of Appeals - Administrative meeting 7:00-7:30; Public meeting at 7:30. They’ll review two applications—one for a pool and another for a garage.
Today’s Schedule
Both Varsity Basketball teams play today, with girls playing Lynnfield at 4:00 here at home, and boys playing in Beverly at 7:00.
Have a great day, Burlington. I’ll see you tomorrow!