Daily Buzz | DEI Subcommittee Report to Be Shared With Select Board
And a slow easing into the new week

Good Morning!
Happy to report that 5am didn’t feel nearly as bad as I expected it to. Though I might need a nap later.
Due to the holiday and the weekend, not much has changed since last we spoke, so I’ll keep this one short and get back to work finalizing the files for my book (which comes out in January—follow Nicci’s Notes to learn more about it!). Who knew how many teeny, tiny details that go into publishing a book? Certainly not me. Glad I got started early.
Today in Burlington
Meetings and Events
Today’s only meeting is the Select Board meeting, during which the Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Subcommittee will present their third quarterly report to the body.
This agenda item is entitled “final report,” which makes me wonder about the Committee’s fate following today’s meeting. You might remember that this ad-hoc committee was established a year ago by the Select Board to help ensure the town keeps inclusion at the forefront when establishing things like mission statements, hiring policies, etc. They have met with almost every department in town, and some have requested to work further with the Committee.
Public comment is open at the top of the meeting if you would like to voice your opinion about whether or not this Committee should continue its work. I believe the Select Board will vote on this topic in December, and input from community members will surely be taken into consideration.
- 6:00 PM - Select Board will be appointing a new DPW director, hearing from the DEIC (see above), talking to a couple local businesses about temporary extension of their hours for special events, and more. (Join online)
That’s all for today. I’ll close with a reminder that Wednesday is the Community Dinner at the Presbyterian Church, and Thursday there is no school.
See you tomorrow!