Daily Buzz | Board of Health to Review Regulations About Tobacco and Smoking
Also, sharing is caring - especially when it comes to the Buzz!

Morning, Buds.
With all that blathering yesterday I forgot to mention the most basic way you can support the Buzz while also creating the kind of community where all members are engaged: Share!!!
The more people know about, read, and subscribe to the Buzz, the more engaged and inclusive our community has the potential to be! So don’t be afraid: forward this email, share this link, or shout us out on social media! We are @buzzburlington on all platforms.
Today in Burlington
Short list today, and somewhat mysterious.
- 6:15 PM - Board of Health Subcommittee Meeting for a “faculty discussion.” I’m not even going to try and speculate on what that means.
- 7:00 PM - Board of Health will discuss updating some tobacco and smoking regulations as well as the stability of some abandoned military bunkers at the Northeastern campus. (Join via webex)
- 7:00 PM - Land Use Committee will discuss some organizational items as well as the Vine Brook Watershed Flood and Urban Heat Island Assessment Report that was completed last month. They’ll also begin reviewing the articles that are expected to be up for September Town Meeting. (Join via Zoom)
That’s it from me today. Stay classy, friends! See you tomorrow!
P.S. I don’t make much use of PSs, but something has been driving me crazy. Which one of you texted/emailed/DMed/tagged me in a comment (I can’t remember how or where, which is one reason it’s driving me nuts) about the Community Preservation Act? I couldn’t have dreamed it because that would make me the kind of person who dreams about town government when I’m not writing about town government. And I am not that kind of person. Am I? Anyway, I can’t seem to find the email/comment/whatever anywhere, but I really want to reply. So comment here or email me whatever your question is. I promise I won’t lose it this time.