Burlington Town Clerk Seeks to Fill Town Meeting Vacancies
Town Meeting Members from Precincts 2 and 7 will convene to vote in three new representatives

Notice is hereby given that there are vacancies:
- Precinct 2 – One Vacancy
- Precinct 7 – Two Vacancies
Those who wish to be appointed to fill such vacancy shall contact the remaining Town Meeting Members of the Precinct for which they seek election, for the purpose of having their names placed in nomination.
The remaining members of said Precinct are hereby notified that a meeting of such members for the purpose of filling such vacancies will be held Tuesday, September 19 at 6:00 PM at the Grand View Farm Conference Room, 2nd Floor, 59 Center St. If you are interested or know of someone who is interested please contact the Clerk’s office at 781-270-1660.
Consider becoming a Town Meeting Member!
Town meeting members have an opportunity to vote on a variety of issues in Town. Some examples of impact include:
- Budgeting and funding levels for Board of Health, Police, Schools, Recreation, and Council on Aging, Department of Public Works, and General Town administration.
- Bylaw Review and Zoning Issues
- Human Services (Transportation, Economics)
- Land Use and Open Space (Landlocked Forest)
- Town Facilities
What is the time commitment for a Town Meeting Member?
Burlington typically holds Town Meeting events three times a year: January, May, and September.
May is the most time-intensive since the town budget is reviewed at this meeting. Special meetings may be called, but it is very infrequent.
The remaining members of said Precinct are hereby notified that a meeting of such members for the purpose of filling such vacancies will be held Tuesday, September 19th at 6:00 PM listed above. If you know of someone who is interested please contact the Clerk’s office at 781-270-1660.
The list of active Town Meeting members is available at the Town Clerk’s Office, or visit the Town’s Website at www.burlington.org.