Burlington Recreation Department Eyes Equipment Upgrade

A request for new Recreation Department equipment will likely go before next year's annual Town Meeting after the department has experienced problems with one of the current mowers this summer. The 10-year-old, 16-foot mower is nearing the end of its useful life after 5,000 hours of use.
The plan is to replace the current 16-foot mower with two 12-foot mowers which can be transported by trailer, preventing wear and tear from driving them on the road. The town can purchase two of these mowers for less than half of what the 16-foot mower would cost ($136,000 as compared to $150,000), and they are more maneuverable.
Along with this discussion came the question of whether or not the Department should consider adding a maintenance staff member to make full use of this equipment and take care of maintenance and appearance issues, some of which were brought up by community member, Bob Young, at public participation time.
Both of these discussions are ongoing and will be finalized over the winter in preparation for the town's May 2025 Town Meeting. Equipment allocations approved by Town Meeting this May have been fulfilled or are expected in the near future, including another new zero-turn mower, a Bobcat, a ball field groomer, and a leaf sucker.
Also at Recreation Commission:
- Installation of the Wildwood Park Sun shade, approved by Town Meeting in 2021, will be completed tomorrow.
- Simonds Park lower parking lot resurfacing is complete, and striping will be done shortly.
- The Department is working with the Nordblom Company, who owns the 3rd Ave area, to reserve the new pickleball courts for Recreation Department use for a set time each week, currently scheduled for Tuesdays from 9-11.
- An irrigation assessment will be completed to help standardize the current irrigation systems. This, as well as backstop, bench, and fencing upgrades is a part of the work being scheduled after Town Meeting approved $200,000 for field maintenance in May.
The next Recreation Committee meeting will likely be on September 9.