Board Considers Stakeholder Input on Stormwater Bylaw Changes
The Burlington Conservation Commission met to review subcommittee input regarding proposed Burlington stormwater bylaw changes.

The Burlington Conservation Commission is reviewing proposed changes to the town's stormwater bylaw and regulations. At their October 24 meeting, commissioners discussed feedback from local developers gathered during a subcommittee meeting earlier in the day about the proposed revisions.
The main change involves splitting the current stormwater bylaw into two separate documents. The bylaw itself will focus on authority and thresholds, while the regulations will contain technical details and procedures. As Commissioner Bill Boivin explained, "We're essentially dividing the existing documents to align with other practices in town."
Conservation Administrator Eileen Coleman noted that the subcommittee meeting with developers was productive in refining the proposals. One significant change based on developer input was keeping the permit thresholds in the bylaw rather than moving them to the regulations. Having these limits set in the regulations would allow for them to be changed easily and possibly with limited public engagement, argue some stakeholders, while permitting thresholds established in a bylaw would require a vote from Town Meeting. "Changing thresholds is a big deal, so it shouldn't be in the regulations," said Commission Chair, Larry Cohen.
Developers also suggested that the town should have a separate tree bylaw, rather than regulating tree removal in the stormwater regulations. Coleman acknowledged this as "a valid point," noting that trees are "a sensitive topic with varying opinions" on restrictions.
The proposed regulations include plans to form a subcommittee with public members to review future regulatory changes. Coleman emphasized, "We're committed to being very transparent."
The public hearing about the proposed Burlington stormwater bylaw changes will continue at the Commission's next meeting on November 14. They also plan to officially open a hearing on the proposed regulations at that time. This change will require a vote from Town Meeting.