Hive Member Check-In
What's on the horizon in the Hive?

Hello, Hive members! It’s been a while since we talked, just you and me. In fact, many of you haven’t heard directly from me since you joined us as paying Hive members. To you, I say:
Welcome! It’s about to get a lot cooler around here.
Many of you know the Buzz was in an intense Sustainability Lab program with LION Publishers this fall. Add in two trips and a sickness, and there wasn’t much time for anything that wasn’t directly related to the Lab.
The great news is that I learned a lot and will be implementing my learnings as we look to the future of the Buzz. With the release of the Winter Guide and the hiring of an amazing editorial assistant, I’m now free to focus on more long-term planning and vision-setting for the various offerings of the Buzz. Here are some things I’ve been working on:
- Upgrading the member perk program, including the return of Hive Roundups each week or two on Saturdays
- Creating the first Seasonal Guide and looking ahead to the next one
- Examining the Buzz’s partnership with VoteLight and how we can turn this into a more regular Buzz feature and a valuable tool for the community
- Creating a more regular podcast in collaboration with Sally Willard and a column series for Hive members like you
- Planning community events, including coffee/dessert hours and a very exciting event that I can’t talk about quite yet
That’s plenty to keep me busy for the next year or more, and I’m excited to have you here for it. Look out for an update next week with info on how we’ll be integrating VoteLight’s TownVote into more of our work.
See you then,