Weekly Buzz | Support Food Pantry's Annual Thanksgiving Drive
Also, back in business this week

Hello, Burlington!
I hope you’ve had a good week and weekend, and that you had the opportunity to observe Veterans Day over the last several days. Apologies for missing the Friday Buzz! We are still on a semi-hiatus, but we’ll be back to regular programming by mid-week. Keep an eye out for activities for the whole family in this Weekly Buzz—including the final few shows for Midnight and Moll Flanders!
Support Food Pantry's Annual Thanksgiving Drive
The United Church of Christ, Congregational, is hosting their annual food drive and Thanksgiving meal distribution this coming weekend. You can participate in their drive-through food drive on Saturday, November 18—just pull up to the red doors with your donation of non-perishable Thanksgiving foods as well as any other canned and boxed goods. donations benefit People Helping People.
For more information on needed items, visit People Helping People's website, or call the food pantry at 781-270-6625. If you're interested in volunteering on Saturday or Sunday for the event, call Lucy at 339-221-8178.
This Week in Burlington
Municipal Meetings and Community Events
Monday, November 13
- 6:00-8:00 PM - Elementary School Building Committee Meeting (BHS and Virtual)
- 6:00 PM - Select Board (Town Hall and Virtual)
- 6:30-8:45 PM - Burlington Club 50: Game Night (Library; No Registration)
- 7:30 PM - ISSAC (Town Hall Annex Meeting Room and Virtual)
Tuesday, November 14
- 4:00-4:45 PM - Autumn Wreath Craft - Grades K-5 (Library; Register)
- 7:00 PM - Board of Health (Special Meeting has been cancelled) (Town Hall and Virtual)
- 7:00 PM - School Committee - (BHS School Committee Meeting Room and Virtual)
Wednesday, November 15
- 2:00 PM - Board of Health - Tri-Ton Coalition Advisory Board (Virtual)
- 4:00 PM - Board of Assessors (Town Hall Main Hearing Room)
- 6:30 PM - Shawsheen Budget Subcommittee (SVT High School)
- 7:00-8:30 PM - Burlington RC Flyers Club (Library)
- 7:00 PM - Historical Commission (Grandview Farm)
- 7:00-8:00 PM - Fables & Fantasy Book Club: Daughter of the Moon Goddess (Library; Register)
Thursday, November 16
- 3:00-7:00 PM - Ethan Allen Grand Reopening (6 Wayside Road)
- 6:00-7:00 PM - 8th Grade Parents Night at BHS (BHS Auditorium)
- 6:00 PM - Glass & Resin Holiday Tree Crafting (Made in Burlington; Tickets)
- 6:30 PM - Planning Board (Town Hall Main Hearing Room)
- 8:00 PM - Burlington Players Fall Show: Midnight and Moll Flanders Bring a nonperishable food item for People Helping People and receive a free concession! (1 Edgemere Ave.)
Friday, November 17
- 9:30-10:00 AM - Kids Jammin’ on the Green - last day of the season! (3rd Ave; Register)
- 10:30-11:30 AM - Mysterious Mornings Book Club: The Maid (Library; Registration Requested but Drop In Welcome)
- 11:30-12:00 PM - Preschool Story & Craft - Ages 3-6, with caregiver (Library; Register)
- 8:00 PM - Burlington Players Fall Show: Midnight and Moll Flanders Bring a nonperishable food item for People Helping People and receive a free concession! (1 Edgemere Ave.)
Saturday, November 18
- 10:00 AM-1:00 PM - Food Drive and Thanksgiving Meal Distribution - Supporting People Helping People (United Church of Christ; 6 Lexington St, Burlington; More Information or to Volunteer - call Lucy 339-221-8178)
- 5:00 PM - Holiday Grapevine Wreath Making (Made in Burlington; Tickets)
- 8:00 PM - Burlington Players Fall Show: Midnight and Moll Flanders Bring a nonperishable food item for People Helping People and receive a free concession! (1 Edgemere Ave.)
- Free smoke alarm installation - call to make an appointment: 800-564-1234), or to learn more about the program, click here.
Sunday, November 19
- 9:00 AM - Burlington Parks & Recreation 5k Turkey Trot - Register here (Activity number: 100981)
Sports and Activities
Following a volleyball loss in the Elite Eight and a Final Four football loss, the Varsity athletic season is over.
Winter sports don’t get started until after Thanksgiving, and so expect this section to take a wee vacation until the new season begins.
Friday Funny
For the animal lovers

Have a great week, neighbor!
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