Weekly Buzz | Graduation Week in Burlington
Also: Hazardous waste collection, Community Carnival, and more

Hello, Burlington!
I hope you’re enjoying the blissful weather this long weekend. I’ve got your weekly here for you, and I’ll be back with a Daily on Tuesday.
This Week in Burlington
Meetings and Events
Monday, May 29
- Memorial Day - No school; Town offices & library closed
- 10:00 AM - Memorial Day Ceremony at the Veterans’ section of Chestnut Hill Cemetery
Tuesday, May 30
- 6:00 PM - Recreation Commission (Town Hall)
- 6:00 PM - School Committee Joint Meeting with Fox Hill School Building Subcommittee (BHS and virtual)
- 6:00 PM - Pokémon Club (Library event, grades K-5)
- 6:00 PM - D&D For Beginners (Library event, Grades 4-8; register)
- 6:30 PM - BHS Senior Athletic Banquet (auditorium)
- 7:00 PM - Information Systems Security Advisory Committee (ISSAC) (virtual)
- 7:00 PM - Special Education Parent Advisory Council (SEPAC) (virtual)
- 7:00 PM - Discover India Series: The Spice Bowl (virtual library event; register)
Wednesday, May 31
- 10:00 AM - Made in Burlington class - Shell Trees
- 10:00 AM - 567 Workshops: Taxes in Retirement (library event)
- 4:00 PM - Board of Assessors (Town Hall)
- 6:00 PM - Land Use - Bylaw Revision Subcommittee (Town Hall Basement)
- 7:00 PM - Teen Event: Aromatherapy Stress Balls (Library event; register)
- 7:00 PM - BHS Senior Field Night (Varsity Field)
- 7:00 PM - Made in Burlington class - Sip ’n’ Pour (Advanced Pouring Techniques)
Thursday, June 1
- Last day of classes for seniors!
- 10:30 AM - Fine Motor Fun for children ages 2-5 (library event; registration link coming soon)
- 6:00 PM - Senior Scholarship Night (invited students and families)
- 6:00 PM - MSMS Spring Instrumental Concert
- 6:30 PM - Planning Board (Town Hall and virtual)
Friday, June 2
- 9:30 AM - Senior Breakfast
- 10:30 AM - Graduation Rehearsal
- 4:00 PM - Tween Event: Fuse Bead Bookmarks (library event; register)
Saturday, June 3
- 8:30 AM-12:00 PM - Household Hazardous Waste Day (Fox Hill School)
- 10:00 AM-12:00 PM - Sketch-a-Sculpture event at the Sculpture Park. Refreshments provided by Wegmans; art supplies provided by the BHS Art Department and guidance provided by BHS art students.
- 10:00 AM-2:00 PM - Francis Wyman Community Carnival
- 10:30 AM - Star Wreath or Summer Flower Basket Weaving Class (Made in Burlington; register)
- 1:00 PM-4:30 PM - Afternoon off Doll Club at the library
Sunday, June 4
- BHS Graduation! Congrats seniors!
- 12:30 PM - Soap Making Class (Made in Burlington; register)
- 2:00 PM - Heartland Health Food - Tea Ceremony (library event, free and open to all)
Sports and Activities
I’m sitting here looking at an empty sports calendar, though I do know we have some championships, finals, etc. For example, boys and girls will both be competing in the D2 tennis tournament. So, as information comes to me I’ll pass it along to you!
That’s all I have for you at the moment. I hope you have the loveliest day tomorrow, and I’ll see you on Tuesday!