Weekly Buzz | A Very Buzzy Birthday
Plus, a very busy week in Burlington

Hello, Burlington! I hope you’re having a great snowy weekend and keeping warm.
Before we get into the weekly, I wanted to take a moment to celebrate our birthday! I’m a few days late, but I didn’t want to let too much time pass without acknowledging that, on February 20, the Buzz officially turned one year old! I’m so excited about the connections we’ve made and the awareness we’ve raised this year.
We’ve supported fundraisers, sports teams, local businesses both new and established, and fueled greater awareness about, and engagement with, local government. We’ve grown to be a recommended and reliable source of information about our community, and are continuously working to expand coverage and do better.
Thank you so much for all your support throughout this year! We truly wouldn’t be here without you!
Also, speaking of local government, candidate interviews are starting soon! I am in the process of reaching out to candidates in contested elections to meet me at the lovely BCAT podcast studio for a podcast sesh. Paid Hive members get access to podcast episodes a week before the general public.
This Week in Burlington
Meetings and Events
Budget season is in full swing as the various Ways and Means Committee and its various subcommittees meet to discuss the budgets of the various departments before they’re finalized, voted on, and presented to Town Meeting in May.
On the schools side, this week is all about course selection. There will be Aspen course selection support on Wednesday for incoming 9th graders, a “Course Selection Process” breakfast on Thursday for parents of 12th graders, and a presentation for current 9th/10th/11th graders on the BHS Program of Studies on Tuesday. Also, centralized kindergarten registration will be happening by appointment on Wednesday evening.
Finally, several candidates will be having their campaign kickoffs this week. I’ll let you know more details when I have them!
Monday, February 27
- 10:30 AM - Board of Health Subcommittee - District Ave Life Science Proposal virtual
- 2:00 PM - When We Were Mothers Virtual Launch Party - get your free ticket!
- 4:00 PM - Lego Club at the library for ages 5-11
- 6:00 PM - Recreation Commission at BHS
- 6:00 PM - Select Board at Town Hall and online
- 6:30 PM - Scholarship Committee Meeting at Grand View Farm
- 7:00 PM - Land Use Committee at Town Hall Annex and online
- 7:00 PM - Trivia Night—Hybrid Library Event (Register)
Tuesday, February 28
- 1:00 PM - English at Large Conversation Group (A) (Library event)
- 4:00 PM - Teen Taste Test Tuesday: M & Ms (Library event - Register)
- 7:00 PM - Board of Health at Town Hall and online
7:00 PM - School Committee at BHS School Committee Room
and online
- 7:00 PM - Shawsheen School Committee Meeting at Shawsheen Tech
Wednesday, March 1
- 10:30 AM and 11:30 AM - Toddler and Preschool Storytime at the library
- 4:00-7:00 PM - Kindergarten Evening Registration at BHS (by appointment)
- 7:00 PM - Ways and Means Committee at Town Hall
Thursday, March 2
- 9:00 AM - Ways and Means Committee - DPW/Rec Subcommittee at Human Services Building (61 Center Street)
- 10:30 AM - Creation Station: Pet Rocks (Library event - Register)
- 6:30 PM - Planning Board at Town Hall and online
- 7:00 PM - Historical Commission talk by author Alan R. Earls about the founding and evolution of the Lahey Clinic at 61 Center Street. This is a free program and doors open at 6:30.
Friday, March 3
- 10:15 AM - Burlington Quilt Club
- 4:00 PM - D&D For Beginners at the Library (Grades 4-8) (Register)
Saturday, March 4
- 10:00 AM—12:00 PM - Free Citizenship Course at Woburn Public Library (Register)
- 1:00—4:30 PM - Afternoon Off Doll Club (Library program)
Sunday, March 5
- 3:00 PM - Parisian Cafes and Impressionist Painting with Jane Oneail (Virtual library event; Register)
Sports and Activities
Not a ton on the calendar, as winter sports are coming to a close, but there’s some basketball and hockey coming up this week. Don’t let your high-school athletes forget the BHS 3-week spring sports conditioning clinic happening Mondays, Wednesdays, and Thursdays at 3:15—it starts tomorrow!

That’s a wrap for today. I’ll see you bright and early tomorrow!