Weekend Buzz | Sculpture Park Welcomes Third Piece in One Week
And a belated Friday Funny

Good morning, friend!
Be sure to read to the end for your (belated) Friday Funny! It didn’t really fit in with the tone of yesterday’s Buzz to end with a joke. Also, I forgot.
Today I just want to share with you another update on the Sculpture Park.
If you haven’t been by in the last week, you’re in for a big surprise when you next visit, as three new sculptures have been added.
You might know that Follow Your Heart has been reunited with its artist for a brief time before it’s moved to its permanent location near Havoc on the Common. In its place, a new sculpture called Pod was installed yesterday. Pod was made from granite by artist David Adilman of Andover. It joins Seraph and Rybee House as the third of six sculptures that will be added to the Park this year, replacing the first installation which occurred in 2020, and it’s reminiscent of a flower about to bloom.
These sculptures will be leased for two years, after which time the Park Committee plans to lease another set of sculptures to keep things fresh and new over in that corner of town.
Stop by when you have a chance - maybe tomorrow, when you’re already in the area for the Pride celebration!
Friday Funny
A couple of relatable parenting tweets crossed my awareness this week and I figured I’d just give you both of them to make up for missing yesterday.

That’s it for today. See you tomorrow with a rundown of next week, which it seems will start out quite busy!