Simonds Park Improvements on the Horizon
The Recreation Commission discussed Simonds Park improvements, which will include water play areas, new grading, and universal accessibility.

Burlington's Parks and Recreation Department is eyeing Simonds Park improvements to the tune of $2 million, said Director Brendan Egan at a recent Recreation Commission meeting.
The park hasn't seen major upgrades in over 25 years; The proposed renovation aims to expand the park and add new features. The plan includes water play areas, spaces for toddlers, school-age kids, and teens, as well as improved surfaces, said Egan. They'll also try to use the park's natural slopes to create transitions between areas and make it accessible to everyone.
The Department is exploring potential partnerships with local businesses to help fund the project, though Chair Stephen Nelson cautioned against relying too much on private donations. Nelson suggested the Department submit a warrant article for the full amount, saying, "This is something Burlington taxpayers should fund." Then, if they happen to get private donations, those can be applied to the project.
The earliest the Department plans to put the Simonds Park improvements project up for consideration by Town Meeting is FY27, said Assistant Director, Kelly Lehman.
Other projects on the radar include buying new mowers and sprucing up Veterans Park, as well as accessibility and other improvements to Overlook Park, planned to occur between 2025 and the fall of 2026.
The Commission also discussed seeking recurring town funding for tree work and fence repairs, as well as a project to repave sidewalks and rehabilitate the gazebo on the Town Common.