Pay Your Favorite Pig Tribute for a Stylish Pig Parade Send-Off

Have you enjoyed seeing the colorful pigs dotting the Town Common this summer? If so, we bet you have a favorite one. Is it that lil' cutie Mirabella? Or maybe the practical Hamma Time? History buffs have loved Willa, and nature nerds have adored Pap.
Whichever pig is your favorite, the Sculpture Park is inviting you to write it a tribute ahead of the closing of this cute exhibit later this month. The pigs will be leaving their temporary grazing spots on the Common, and will hopefully be displayed outside each sponsoring business. Send the piggies off to their new homes in style with some words of appreciation, a poem, a song, a haiku, or whatever moves you in 250 words or less. Submit your note via this form, where you can also RSVP to the Goodbye Pigs Party, which will be held at 10:00 AM on August 24, 2024, at the Town Common Gazebo.
Can't select a favorite pig? Creative juices won't stop flowing? No worries! Enter as many times as you like. The Sculpture Park will gather the entries and choose one to accompany each pig to its forever home. Fans of all ages are encouraged to participate—especially children! This is the perfect fun and educational activity for that lull in activities between now and the beginning of the school year.
After the farewell event on August 24, the pigs will be taken and a map will be made of where pig lovers can find their favorite porcine friends around town. Don't forget to come by the gazebo and say hi! There will be free watermelon for all attendees!