Meet The Burlington Sculpture Park 2024 Installation

Art lovers from all around will be excited to know that the Burlington Sculpture Park 2024 installation is complete. Featuring works from abstract to concrete in two and three dimensions, this two-year installation will take you on a journey from fantasy to reality.

Possibly the cutest of the new sculptures, Edwin the Hungry Dragon will munch on your entire garden if you're not careful. The tiny objects welded to the surface of the sculpture give him a fuzzy, not-quite-real look, completely apropos for a mythical creature that wears glasses and dines on pansies and carnations. Check out the song the sculptor, Brian McQuillan, wrote and performed for this cute little guy.

Dream Manifesting, by Michael Alfano, is a thoughtful depiction of a face looking skyward. A part of Alfano's "Of Many Minds" collection, this aluminum sculpture is often accompanied by the quote, “Imagination should be used, not to escape reality, but to create it.” Colin Wilson. Sit and think about that one for a moment.

The most concrete and evocative piece to this mom of kids who are getting too old to spin in the air is Woman and Child by David Borrus. David is a construction welder by trade and honed this skill in a different way after hours to create sculptures that are able to freeze and capture a moment in time.

Taking an abstract bent this season is Standing Stella On His Head, created in steel by sculptor Doug Rice. I've got my own interpretations of this one, but I don't want to influence yours, so I'll keep them to myself.

Madeleine Lord's Sunday Paper is created from a photograph, and it shows. This two-dimensional cut steel sculpture can be looked at from the front or the back, giving it different backdrops depending on your angle. Pensive and unhurried, this sculpture captures what is, for many of us, a bygone era.
These works of art, leased until 2026, join Seraph, Lovebirds, Lumen, and Global Warming in the free, outdoor Burlington Sculpture Park, which sits between the Police Station and Grandview Farm on Center Street in Burlington, MA. The park will soon need to be relocated due to the upcoming police station construction project, but Town Administrator Paul Sagarino has stated he hopes to return the sculptures to the same area once construction is complete.
Learn more about the Sculpture Park at their website.