Learn How to Attract Butterflies to Your Yard this Wednesday

The Burlington Garden Club this Wednesday will be teaching anyone who is interested how to attract butterflies to their yard. Butterflies have begun migrating northward again, and you can make your home a welcoming place for butterflies, starting now.
From the Garden Club:
Butterflies are very important as pollinators as well as a food source to birds, insects, and reptiles. Unfortunately their numbers have decreasing rapidly, mainly due to the effects of climate change, loss of habitat, and the use of pesticides.
Alana Archangelo from the Butterfly Place in Westford will talk about the butterfly life cycle and feeding habitats, why some such as the Monarchs are endangered, and how we can help with the loss of habitat by creating sanctuaries for them using a variety of annual and perennial plants and not using pesticides in our yards. She'll supply a list of major food plants so that we can build our own pollinator or butterfly gardens.
Join the Garden Club this Wednesday at 7:00 PM in the Murray Kelly Wing at 61 Center Street(where the Civic Expo was held!). The presentation is free to all, and light refreshements will be served. For more information contact email the Garden Club or visit their website.