Daily Buzz | What’s the Status of Hazardous Waste Cleanup in Burlington’s Town Center?
Plus, new business works to treat a common health condition

Good Morning, Burlington!
Before we get started today, I wanted to apologize for both the incomplete sentence in yesterday’s Daily Buzz and the extra email you got yesterday. The sentence was supposed to say, “If you plan to attend the Cookbook Book Club on Friday, you’ve still got time to pick up the cookbook from the library and make a dish!” This is still true, if somewhat less true, because you’ve only got slightly more than 24 hours. But I have faith! As for the email: Since the website is the same thing that sends the newsletters, it really wants to email you everything I write. Usually I’m good at remembering to uncheck the “email everyone” box, but I missed it yesterday. Once the new website and newsletter platform are in place in a few months, that will never happen again. Thanks again for helping fund that new website, which can’t launch soon enough!
Leap Into Kindness This Leap Day
Today is February 29, which is known as Leap Day, as it only comes around every four years on a Leap Year. Happy birthday to those of you who only get to celebrate once every four years! Some fun facts about Leap Years:
- The time it takes for the Earth to revolve around the sun is actually 365 1/4 days. Therefore, every 4 years, a day is added to the year so the calendar doesn’t shift out of line with the seasons.
- The reason the Leap Day is February 29 and not December 32 is because in the Roman calendar, the first day of the year was March 1.
Businesses around the area are using this day to perform a “Leap of Kindness,” as reported by BCAT. Donation boxes have been set up at Burlington Area Chamber of Commerce businesses, and today those donations will be dropped at the local food pantry, managed by People Helping People.
If you missed donating, today can still be a day where you focus on being kind to others. Holding the door and offering a smile is free, and the small act can make someone’s day!
A Fun Time Had By All at Burlington’s Birthday Party
The 225th anniversary of Burlington’s incorporation was celebrated by many residents and town employees yesterday at Grandview Farm. There were re-enactors, historical artifacts, and lots and lots of cake! See below some photos from the event, as well as the seven “I Voted” sticker finalists, of which the top three will be printed!

What’s the Status of Hazardous Waste Cleanup in Burlington’s Town Center?
The Board of Health on Tuesday heard a recap from consultants at GeoEngineers about the Hazardous Waste forum that was held on February 21. Hazardous waste compounds (chlorinated volatile organic compounds, or CVOCs) have been found over the last decade-plus in the groundwater near 179 Cambridge Street and 18 Terry Ave.
The three impacts the consultants investigated are soil groundwater, soil gas, and indoor air, with a focus on indoor air as there’s little exposure to groundwater and soil (due to the area being paved). A few remediation steps have been taken:
- Groundwater treatment, which has been effective in decreasing concentrations of CVOCs in the groundwater at the site and is expected to begin decreasing concentrations downstream as time and treatment go on.
- Sub-slab depressurization systems, which take compounds out of the soil and release them into the outdoor air, have been installed and have been effective in preventing these compounds from infiltrating the indoor air.
The source for the contamination hasn’t been confirmed, but the waste at 179 Cambridge Street is presumed to have come from the property’s previous use as a dry cleaner. The area continues to be treated and monitored, and the DEP is continuing to assess the area to try and find the source. There’s no suggestion that residential areas, which are located north and west of the property, are effected by this waste.
The Board also heard from Fractyl Health, which is working on using both a medical device and gene therapy to treat Type 2 Diabetes. Their special permits were granted, and they’ll be moving into 3 Van De Graff Drive soon!
And, finally, Hazardous Waste Collection will happen on May 18. Stay tuned for more details!
Today in Burlington
We’ve got lots of campaign events on the agenda today in Burlington.
Municipal Meetings and Community Events
- 8:30 AM-4:30 PM - Early Voting for the Presidential Primary at Town Hall
- 8:00 AM - Audit Committee will discuss financial footnotes and financial statements. (Town Hall Main Hearing Room)
- 8:30-10:00 AM - Ways & Means - DPW/Recreation Subcommittee will review the Recreation Department FY2025 budget and the capital budget warrants. (61 Center St, Ceramics Room)
- 12:30-3:00 PM - Bridge Club (61 Center Street, 2nd floor)
- 5:00-7:30 PM - Sarah Cawley Select Board Campaign Kickoff (Made in Burlington)
- 6:30 PM - Brad Bond Select Board Campaign Kickoff (Cafe Escadrille)
- 7:00 PM - Bill Beyer Town Moderator Campaign Kickoff (Cafe Escadrille)
- 6:30-7:15 PM - Doodlebots - Use hexbugs and everyday items to create cool artwork. Open to kids in grades 3-8. (Library, Register)
- 6:45 PM - Burlington Scholarship Fund will review and finalize the language of the new submission procedure. (Grand View Farm)
- 7:00-8:00 PM - Burlington Night Owls Book Club, formerly Last Thursday Book Club (Library, Drop In)
- 8:00 PM - The Dragonfly Plays, presented by the Asian-American Playwright Collective and the Burlington Players (Park Playhouse; Tickets)
Sports and Activities
The girls’ hockey team came out on top against Medway/Ashland last night at the Ice Palace. Their 5-1 win advances them to the Sweet 16 Round in the Division 2 State Tournament. They’ll play the winner of this afternoon’s Plymouth South vs. Beverly game.
Today we’ve got boys’ hockey, as the #25 seed Red Devils travel to neutral ground in Canton to play #8 Hingham. Good luck, boys!
That’s all for today. Next time we see each other, it’ll be Friday!
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