Daily Buzz | Summer Reading Kicks Off With Special Guests
Plus, Select Board Vote, School Committee meets off-cycle

Good Morning!
The Burlington Public Library officially kicks off its summer reading program today with visits this morning from Batman and Batgirl for the littles. Readers of all ages can enter to win raffle prizes for keeping up their reading habits this summer, and kids from Toddler-aged through fifth grade can play an additional game board to win even more prizes. Teens (grades 6-12) can get scratch tickets toward prizes as well! Learn more and register!
Also in town, the Select Board is slated to vote on whether or not to provide a letter of support to the state regarding the Winn View Heights II proposed project tonight, barring any delays. This vote is scheduled for 6:01, prior to public participation, and the public hearing is closed. UPDATE AS OF 9:30 AM: The vote for this item will be postponed to a future meeting.
The School Committee meets off-cycle tonight, in conjunction with the Elementary School Building Committee, to approve the two components of the Project Design Plan (PDP) that the Building Committee will vote on July 13 and submit to the state subsidizing agency on July 14.
Today in Burlington
Meetings and Events
- 10:30 AM - Sensory Friendly Summer Reading Kickoff with Batman and Batgirl (Library event; Register)
- 11:00 AM - Summer Reading Kickoff with Batman and Batgirl (Library event; Register)
- 12:00 PM - Select Board Alcohol Subcommittee will discuss a new Beer & Wine license for Raja & Rana’s Indian Market (Town Hall)
- 6:00 PM - Select Board is scheduled to vote on providing a letter of support for the Winn View Heights II project. The Collins Center will also be at the meeting to present data from the communications survey that was sent out earlier this year. (Town Hall and Virtual)
- 7:00 PM - General Bylaw Review Committee will talk about hybrid Town Meeting, and they’ll also discuss electronic distribution of Town Meeting materials. (Virtual)
- 7:00 PM - School Committee will do a second reading of the Educational Program and the Space Summaries for the Elementary School building project and vote to approve them. They’ll also discuss the superintendent evaluation. (BHS and Virtual)
- 7:00 PM - Virtual Trivia Night (Library event; Register)
- 7:00 PM - Teen Summer Reading Kickoff (Library event; Register)
That’s all for today. I’ll see you tomorrow!