Daily Buzz | Sculpture Park and Historical Commission Agree on Something
A choose-your-depth dive

I promised you a shorter Buzz today, and so while there are a few things I’m eager to talk about, I’m going to take my own cue and take it easy on us all. There are lots of backlinks here, though, so you can go deeper into any of these topics if you want.
Also, giveaway! Several new entries yesterday; keep ’em coming!
Burlington Today
The Historical Commission is set to meet at 7:00 at Grandview Farm, though I see no agenda. That being the case, this is a good opportunity to follow up on the meeting from last week during which the Historical Commission and the Sculpture Park Committee met to discuss the land upon which the Sculpture Park currently sits.
There has been some tension between the two bodies about that particular piece of land for quite some time - tension which was on full display at May Town Meeting (around 1:30 of this recording) when the question was raised publicly of whether an art installation was an appropriate use of the space, per zoning. (It seems to have been determined that it is.) The permanence of the park has been eternally in question, and while the Sculpture Park was granted funding by Town Meeting to make improvements to the site, they’re hesitant to do so until this issue is settled.
Last week’s meeting, then, was arranged to see if the two groups could come to a compromise regarding how the site should be used. According to BCAT’s Rich Hosford, that’s exactly what happened. The Sculpture Park will hopefully add some historical pieces to the park, and my hope (without yet talking to Mary of the HC or Barbara of the SPC, so please one of you correct me if I’m wrong here) is that the SP feels more secure in its home and improvements to the space can begin soon.
No other meetings are on the agenda today, and I’ve got a long day of real, actual day-job work ahead of me. So I’m going to let you get back to your regularly scheduled programming.
Talk soon,