Daily Buzz | Register Now for the Walk for Hunger
Also, submissions are open for the "Dad Jokes x Math Jokes" Venn diagram contest
Good Morning and Happy Friday!
It seems most Fridays, I end up tying up loose ends from the week, and this one’s no different. I also want to forewarn you I have a lot of day-job things coming up next week, along with election things, so if you don’t see as much of me or if my emails are a little light, that’s why. Things open up quite a bit after Election Day. Which is April 9, in case you’ve been living out in the wetlands with no internet, phone, cable, or sign access.
Grab a Nonpartisan Election Awareness Sign
Election awareness lawn signs are here. Click here to grab one before they’re gone!
Learn About Your Candidates
I promised I’d be back with another place to learn about your candidates today. The Burlington Equity Coalition Candidate Guide is a super thorough place to find information about most of the candidates running for office here in Burlington. Why am I telling you this? Because one huge barrier to voting in local elections is not feeling informed enough. Here’s the chance to get informed, and to encourage your friends, your kids’ teachers, your chiropractor, and your barista to do the same (provided they’re Burlington-based). Hopefully you’ve already read through the candidate profiles on the Buzz; the BEC should be your next destination.
Support a Wonderful Cause
Did you know Burlington has a food pantry? Well, now you do! They’re called People Helping People, and they are an amazing and important resource that provides both ongoing and emergency assistance for anyone needing it. The food pantry served 441,237 meals during the 2021 fiscal year, and on average has served 140 households and 380 individuals per month in the last half-year.
People Helping People is participating in Project Bread’s 54th Annual Walk for Hunger on May 1. Anyone can participate for free, virtually, and contribute to Burlington’s goal of raising $5,000. (I am 100% positive we can go above and beyond this. Prove me right!) To join and/or donate, click the link above. To learn more, read the whole press release.
To find out if you qualify for services from People Helping People, or to learn about volunteer opportunities, you can contact Julie Lewis, Pantry Manager, at (781) 270-6625. The Pantry is relocating soon, and will need a lot of help with packing and loading up materials. There are other opportunities as well, such as donating money, food, and personal items.
Burlington Today (And Tomorrow and the Next Day)
- 11:00 AM - Board of Appeals Joss & Main Signage Subcommittee meets to discuss the company’s sign application. (Postponed from yesterday; join via Webex)
- 8:30 AM-12:00 PM - Household Hazardous Waste Collection Day at Francis Wyman School.
- First Annual TACP 24-Hour Challenge at the Burlington High School Track to benefit veterans and their families via the TACP Association. Sign up here. Donate here.
The next day:
- 3:00 PM - DTC Candidate Conversations (virtual). Register by emailing BurlingtonDemocrats@gmail.com.
Friday Funny
I did an English/writing joke the other week. This one’s for my mathier friends. I’ll just be over here giggling like an idiot.
Got a Friday funny? Send it in! You can reply to this email or catch us on Facebook, Instagram, or Twitter. We’re everywhere! (Except TikTok.)
Happy Friday, friends. See you tomorrow.