Daily Buzz | Office Hours with State Rep, Ramadan/Eid Craft Tomorrow
Also, BPD makes arrests in prostitution sting and much more

Good Morning, Burlington!
I want to clear up a mistake I made yesterday in the Buzz and then discovered about five seconds after clicking Send. Here is the correct link for the draft Warrant for the Town Meeting that begins on May 8. There is no Backup posted on the town website yet.
There are a lot of things going on this weekend, plus some news I read in BCAT that I wanted to share with you. So here are some quick hits for your Friday.
- April is still Beautify Burlington month! Learn more here!
- Representative Ken Gordon will be at True North tomorrow at 9:00 and at Peppers Grille in Bedford at 10:30 to answer resident questions during his open office hours. Come with your questions for our state representative!
- There will be a Ramadan/Eid craft this Saturday, April 15, from 10-12 at Made in Burlington. Register here
- Summer Youth Public Safety Academy registration is open. Burlington’s Academy will run from July 31-August 4. Learn more and register here!
- The application period is still open for the age-restricted affordable housing unit at Grandview Commons. Call 781-270-1600 or email for an application.
- The Burlington Police Department arrested seven people in conjunction with a prostitution sting in conjunction with the Department of Homeland Security. Read more at BCAT.
- As reported in the Patch, there was a second brush fire this Tuesday in the area of Arboretum Way, bringing in fire departments from surrounding communities to help BFD in extinguishing it. Here’s a video from Fire Chief Andy Connerty on tips to avoid fires like this on the dry, windy days that are inevitably ahead.
In partnership with Roots Yoga

Join the team at Roots Yoga for Root & Run, a supportive seven-week training program where we will pull together as a team and take our discipline outside to support the Lahey Cancer Institute 5K! Enjoy twice-weekly run training as well as Yoga for Runners workshops that will focus on the areas of the body that runners need to stretch, lengthen and strengthen. A seven-week program for less than $100! Click here to learn more and register, and don't forget to check out all of Roots' AWESOME April offerings!
Today in Burlington
Meetings and Events
Friday, April 14
Nothing on the municipal meeting calendar, but the library had so many great programs today that I couldn’t choose just one or two! Also, the Friends of the Library book donation day is this Sunday! These books will be added to the collection that will be up for sale at the Friends of the Library Book Sale the last Friday, Saturday, and Sunday of April!
- ALL DAY - Teen Take and Make Spring Craft
- 10:30 AM - Craft & Chat
- 10:30 AM - Toddler Story & Craft (Register)
- 11:30 AM - Preschool Story & Craft (Register)
- 4:00 PM - Teen Event: Mario Kart Tournament (Register)
Saturday, April 15
- Nothing Yet
Sunday, April 16
- 1:15—3:30 PM - Friends' Book Donation Day at the library
- 3:00 PM - The Surreal World of Rene Magritte with Jane Oneail (Zoom)
Sports and Activities
The boys’ volleyball team lost at home against Arlington yesterday; JV’s ending score was 1-2 and Varsity’s was 2-3. They get another chance today, traveling to Medford for a 4:00 JV game and 5:30 varsity game.
In tennis, boys host Melrose today at 4:00, while girls travel to Melrose and get started at 4:15.
Our baseball team hosts Watertown at 4:15 today, with JV playing at 61 Center Street and varsity at Francis Wyman.
Softball is at 4:30 in Watertown.
Tomorrow, there’s an outdoor track meet against Watertown at 9:00 for both boys and girls, as well as JV and Varsity softball in Tyngsboro at 11:00.
Friday Funny

Alright, that’s it for me today. I’ll be back sometime this weekend!