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And another mini-assignment

Good morning, Burlington!
Did you ever think, “Wow, that Nicci sure can write! I wish I could read other things she writes that have nothing to do with Burlington!” Well, you’re in luck. Before I decided to start an *ahem* Online Local Newsletter, I was a professional author. Still am, in fact. I write books, essays, articles, and a whole lot of other stuff. You can see more on my website. I have a newsletter (once a week, 5-minute read, nothing crazy) where I offer my thoughts about writing, parenting, and what it means to be a human in this crazy world. You might like it.
Alright, nine more days until the election, and I’ve got another assignment for you.
Just do the thing.
This actually worked like a charm yesterday. We surpassed a big milestone and then just kept on going. It was a good day for newsletter signups. Keep doing this, please and thank you! (And, if you’re a new reader, welcome and thank you for being here! We’re a pretty fun bunch.)
Help get the word out about the candidates. Talk to people!
I’m going to get really real right now. The word “politics” leaves a bad taste in many people’s mouths. How could they not associate politics, government, and elections with the vitriol that has always existed and has come to a nasty boiling point in recent years? But choosing the people who are going to make the decisions about your children’s future, and the future of the town where you live, doesn’t have to be about politics. Look at who you think is going to align most with your priorities, and the choice often becomes clear.
And, even if you don’t feel comfortable talking about who you’re planning to vote for, you can still direct your friends and family members who are uncertain about how they want to vote to one of the many resources where they can learn more. There are several, as you know. Let’s start with the Burlington Buzz candidate profiles, based on pure chronology. Everything you need is in the Election - April 9, 2022 tab. Tomorrow I’ll be back with a second place you can direct your friends (and yourself), but this is likely enough to keep you busy until then learning about contested candidates, at least.
Speaking of candidates, I wanted to let you know about the Democratic Town Committee’s virtual conversation with Board of Health and School Committee candidates this weekend! It will be on Sunday from 3 to 4, and you can register by emailing BurlingtonDemocrats@gmail.com. You don’t have to be a Democrat to join! So come ready to meet your candidates for the Board of Health and School Committee!
Alright - just a few meetings on the docket today:
- 9:00 AM - Board of Appeals Joss & Main Subcommittee is postponed until tomorrow.
- 10:00 AM - Ways & Means Town Clerk Subcommittee meets to discuss the budgets for Town Clerk and Board of Registrars for the coming year. (Join via Webex)
- 12:00 PM - Planning Board [Town Center Multifamily] TCM Zoning 135 Cambridge Street Subcommittee meets to discuss the proposed zoning articles to (1) establish a new zoning area called the Town Center Multifamily Zone, and (2) to rezone the Roger’s Piano et al site into that zone. (Join via Webex)
- 6:00 PM - The Shawsheen Facilities Subcommittee meets to discuss their Statement of Intent.
And after that, guess what day it will be.
Aww, you don’t have to guess. I’ll tell you!

Until Friday, folks.