Daily Buzz | Missing Girl Found Safe
A huge thank you to everyone who helped spread the word

Good Morning!
Top of the news is that Emily Cotrina, the 15-year-old who went missing over the weekend, was found safe yesterday. Thanks to everyone who shared information with your networks, we reached tens of thousands of folks to get the word out.
Also, some welcome rain this week. Let’s hope the water levels start rising (or at least stop falling!) soon.
Today in Burlington
Since yesterday was kind of a double daily, I’m going to keep today’s short and sweet.
- 11:00 AM - Planning Board Subcommittee - CANCELLED
- 5:30 PM - Hybrid Meetings Subcommittee of the General Bylaw Review Committee meets via Webex to discuss action items from last meeting - including discussing with Town Counsel the feasibility of continuing the hybrid meeting model on a permanent basis.
- 7:00 PM - Conservation Commission meets to discuss some residential projects, including demo and construction of two new structures, as well as a couple commercial items including the proposed project at 1 Mall Road. (Join via Webex)
Alright - as promised, that’s it! I hope you have a great day.