Daily Buzz | MBTA Route Changes Could Affect Many Burlington Residents
Plus, Hybrid Town Meeting Subcommittee to begin investigating permanent hybrid option

Good morning!
I have more to say than I expected when I started this email yesterday, so let’s get right to it!
Transportation Committee Update
The Transportation Committee met last night, and even though I couldn’t go (because I was playing math games with some very cute elementary school students), I have notes for you! Thank you, Melissa Massardo, for sharing!
Safe Routes to School Survey has closed and I’m eager to see the results, which haven’t yet been released.
The 128 Business Council Transportation Regionalization Plan, which seeks to make the 128 corridor more accessible, was discussed. They had some questions about the financial commitment required from the private sector and the town, but no answers quite yet.
Here’s the one I’m hearing most about online: the MBTA is looking to redesign the bus routes that serve Burlington.
They are looking to remove the 354 into Boston.
They are looking to add 94 service to Alewife and Davis Square.
They’re also proposing 7-day-per-week service.
There is much concern about the amount of time that would be added to the commute for someone working in the city.
It also sounds like the majority of our bus users are coming into Burlington, not going out.
Learn more about the proposed changes and provide feedback at the MBTA website.
There will be a public meeting about this on June 22 at 6pm. Make your voice heard!
Today in Burlington
We’ve got 3 items on the agenda, one of which is brand new and one I don’t recall seeing in the three months since I started the Buzz.
- 5:30 PM - Hybrid Town Meeting Subcommittee of the General Bylaw Review Committee will begin organizing and working on a proposed bylaw. (Join via Zoom)
- 7:00 PM - Fox Hill School Building Committee meets for some updates and to review the Owner’s Project Manager timeline. (Join via Webex)
- 7:00 PM - Planning Board will be holding public hearings about proposed projects at 22 Terry Ave and 1 Mall Road, as well as a proposed fast food establishment at 3 Old Concord Road. They’ll also discuss the Sign District Map from the Zoning Bylaw Review Committee.
Alright, I think that’s it for today. See you tomorrow!