Daily Buzz | MassDOT Collecting More Traffic Information, to Hold Additional Public Information Session
Also, Girls' Hockey makes waves

Good Morning, Burlington!
Have you noticed the black tubey thingies running across the road along 3A? There are also sets on some of the roads that come off of 3A. I always suspected those were something to do with counting traffic. But, knowing about the upcoming project to repave and update 3A/Cambridge Street, my suspicions were confirmed.
For those of you who, like me, enjoy geeking out a little: Those black tubey thingies are called pneumatic road tubes, and they operate by sending a puff of air to a switch in the control box, which then produces an electrical signal that is processed by a counting software. Fascinating, huh?
After hearing a few rumors about the status of this project, I spoke with our Town Administrator, Paul Sagarino, and got the most updated information from MassDOT. The state clearly heard residents’ concerns at the November 17 public informational meeting loud and clear, and is collecting more traffic data ahead of the initiation of the project to ensure their projections are accurate post-pandemic. They also plan to hold a second public informational meeting once those data have been analyzed.
I’m not sure the date of that meeting, but I’ll keep you updated.
Today in Burlington
As the calendar year winds down, the town meeting calendar is getting sparse. Nothing is on the official agenda today, or for the rest of the week!
Meetings and Events
5:00 PM -Housing Partnership- MOVED TO 12/13- NO PLANNING BOARD MEETING
Sports and Events
In a reversal from Tuesday’s basketball scores, the boys’ hockey team took a very close 2-1 loss last night against Winchester, while the girls won 4-1. According to my sources, this is the first time the girls have beaten Winchester in 10 years!
Boys’ wrestling also took home a W, beating Malden Catholic 48-18.
Today’s Schedule
Track and swimming on the agenda for today. Varsity Boys swim against Melrose at home at 4:30; Boys’ and Girls’ indoor track meet at Stoneham at 4:30 as well.
Have a great day, Burlington! Next time we talk, it will be FRIDAY!