Daily Buzz | Let's Get Social
Also, a quick tour of the Buzz

Good morning, neighbor!
I hope you enjoyed the idyllic weather this weekend.
Like many of you, I was flitting from one obligation to the next, enjoying my leisure but never truly at rest. There were some great happenings on the common this weekend; check out our Instagram Story Highlights to see some pics. And if you got more pics of the cars than I did, feel free to share!
In today’s edition, a short recap of some of the things I haven’t reminded you about in awhile. We have lots of newcomers this week, so it might be the first time you’ve heard any of this!
The Buzz is almost everywhere on social media. You can follow us on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and NextDoor. You can also write a review on Facebook - which would help the Buzz immensely!
If you’re not already subscribed, you can do that by pressing the button below. You can also always convert from a free to a paid subscription. Paid subs basically support my time and effort (and childcare) so I can keep up with the Buzz. The only current perk is that paid members get early access to podcasts, but as I have more subs and more time I’ll add more perks like early merchandise access (which is in the works but not quite there yet). Thanks to all of you who are already supporting financially! My goal is to keep this resource free for the community, and voluntary paid memberships help me so that. And if you can’t, or don’t want to, that’s cool, too.
If you know someone who isn’t aware of this free, fast local resource for news and connection to your neighbors, please share the Buzz with them. With local papers going the way of the Dodo Bird, publications like this are a necessity. And having an electorate that’s aware and active will make Burlington a better place for us all!
I started the Buzz out of a need for connection, awareness, and action in Burlington. Too few of us pay attention to what’s going on locally, even though that’s what affects our day-to-day lives the most. Particularly with the government, there are a ton of residents who have no idea what the Planning Board or Town Meeting or any number of other Town Boards and Commissions do. I have compiled an inexhaustive list of profiles in the Town Government section of the website, and will continue adding to it as I have time.
There is also a Community Information section, which gives info about events, accomplishments, and other announcements and profiles that don’t have to do with Town Government.
Today in Burlington
Alright, enough of that. Here’s what’s on the docket for today.
- 6:00 PM - Select Board meets with a full agenda. The first item is “Town Property as a Public Forum,” which will be a discussion (as opposed to an approval or something that will be voted on). Also up are some appointments, a revisit to the discussion about the 128 Business Council (which aims to connect the 128 corridor via public transit), some liquor licenses, and more. (Join via Webex)
- 6:00 PM - Shawsheen Budget Subcommittee meets for some more contract bargaining discussions.
- 7:00 PM - Information Systems Security Advisory Committee (ISSAC) will discuss the cybersecurity policy implementation progress and tracking software used in schools. If anyone is going to this and wants to be a shadow notetaker, I’d really appreciate it. (Join via Webex)
Alright, friends, that’s it!