Daily Buzz | Interfaith Holocaust Memorial Service This Friday
The Honorable Phillip Weiner will speak

We’re almost to the end of the week, and I’ve got a very quick email to get you going today.
Recreation Department Signup
I guess the pendulum swung in the opposite direction this time. I feel like I was all over getting y’all signed up for spring programs, but then I mentioned summer signup, like, once. I blame vacation. At any rate, last night at 6:00, registration opened for Recreation Department summer program signup. I’m certain there are still some classes available, in case you missed it like I almost did (thanks, friends, for reminding me!). Log on here to check.
Holocaust Service at Temple Shalom Emeth
This Friday, April 29, at 7 PM, there will be an in-person Interfaith Holocaust Memorial Shabbat Service at Temple Shalom Emeth. Special guest, the Honorable Phillip Weiner, will speak to those assembled; the topic will be, “The War in Ukraine: Is the Past Repeating Itself?”
Sir Weiner, who was recently knighted by the King of Cambodia, is an international war crimes judge, involved in many major cases including the Killing Fields of Cambodia, and the Bosnia War Crimes Tribunal.
He will speak about his past experiences and also about potential war crimes in Ukraine.
He is the younger brother of Dr. Edward Weiner, longtime member and chairman of Burlington’s Board of Health.
For anyone not able to attend in person, you can view the service at facebook.com/bcattv. If you are planning to attend, please RSVP to Ellen Finkelman at esfink29@gmail.com so the Temple can plan for seating. Note that everyone must be fully vaccinated or have a negative test result within the past 24 hours, and all attendees must wear a mask.
Today in Burlington
Today is much lighter than the rest of the week, with only one meeting.
- Ways & Means Subcommittee has been rescheduled to 5/3.
- 7:00 PM - Conservation Commission meets to review some permits, certificates, etc. for upcoming residential and commercial projects. They’ll also be continuing their public hearings regarding two construction projects and the proposed amendments to the stormwater management bylaw - which will not be going up for a vote at May Town Meeting, because the wording isn’t finalized. (Join via Webex)
See, friends? Short and sweet. Hope you can make it to the Service, one way or another.
Have a lovely day!