Daily Buzz | Indian Republic Day Celebration Tomorrow
Also, middle school chorus tears it up at vocal concert

Good morning, Burlington!
This Saturday at the high school, Indian Americans of Greater Boston will be holding a celebration for Republic Day. The event spans the afternoon and evening and will involve competitions in such varied categories as art, storytelling, math Jeopardy, and the board game, carrom, as well as a fashion show and Junior Shark Tank. Attendance is free, and there will be a number of booths set up for education and shopping.
Republic Day celebrates the day in 1950 when India’s constitution went into effect after nearly a hundred years of British rule.
See below for more events happening this weekend in Burlington.
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Today in Burlington
Meetings and Events
Nothing is on the official town calendar today, but there are some fun events at the library both today and tomorrow, in addition to the Republic Day celebration on Saturday.
- 10:30 AM - Toddler Movie Day at the library
- 4:00 PM - Geode Cake Pops: Tween Activity at the library (Register here)
Saturday, January 28
11:00-11:45 AM - Snowflake Make N Take (Library event; Register here)
2:00-4:00 PM - Lego Build: Grades 3-6 (Library event)
12:30-8:00 PM - Republic Day Celebration at BHS
Sports and Activities
Our Boys’ and Girls’ Track teams both wrapped up their seasons as champions last night. The boys won all 12 of their events, beating out Wilmington with a score of 76-24 and ending the season with an undefeated 5-0 record. Girls won 61-39, finishing their season with a record of 4-1.
Today our basketball teams play Wilmington:
4:00 PM
Freshman Boys at Wilmington Middle School
JV Girls at MSMS
JV Boys at BHS
- 5:30 PM - Varsity Girls at BHS
- 7:00 PM - Varsity Boys at BHS
Friday Funny
Thanks to Bill Boivin for this one. He must now how much I adore pollinators. I’m such a nerd.
By the way, if you’ve got jokes or pictures you’d like to see in the Buzz (Or puzzles and games! I’m not giving up on that!) please send them my way.

That’s all for me today. Have a lovely Friday!