Daily Buzz | Sculpture Season is Well Underway With Newest Sculpture
And, ISSAC meets tonight to discuss how cybersecurity policy implementation is going on around town

Good Morning!
I hope you all got to attend the various community forums yesterday evening to give input about the MBTA routes and learn about the police department’s preparedness in the event the unthinkable would happen in our town.
Tomorrow is another exciting opportunity to connect with the community, and specifically the folks who create and distribute the media you (hopefully) are consuming! Our goal is to connect with the community, and in keeping with that purpose, the BCAT Annual Meeting and Appreciation Awards are open to all. Following dinner at 6:00 in the BHS cafeteria, the awards will be presented starting at 7:00 in the Fogelberg Performing Arts Center; a full list of award recipients can be found here.
Welcome to Our Newest Sculpture
The installation of our new sculptures continues this week with Seraph, a 12-foot beauty inspired by European churches, made from aluminum, glass, and acrylic and created by nonagenarian, Joseph Ferguson, from Weston, MA. Unlike the very hands-on Rybee House, this sculpture is only for looking, not touching - and there’s plenty to see! Stop by the Sculpture Park today and enjoy!
Today in Burlington
As typically happens with meetings that occur late in the week, a few events have been added to the calendar for today.
- Information Systems Security Advisory Committee meets to continue discussion of the Cybersecurity Policy implementation status, as well as review the Departmental Cybersecurity Sheet with an eye toward standardization. (Join via Webex)
- Conservation Commission continues public hearings for some additions and new constructions, as well as some maintenance near wetlands. Stormwater bylaw is still on the agenda, too! (Join via Webex)
- Fox Hill Building Committee will do a second reading of the Request for Services and discuss the formation of an OPM (Owner’s Project Manager) selection subcommittee. (Join via Webex)
That’s it for today. See you tomorrow!