Daily Buzz | Help Stock the Pantry
And, review Town Meeting attendance

Good Morning, Burlington!
Just a couple of notes for you this morning before I send you on your way:
The food pantry in Burlington, People Helping People, held a food drive last weekend called Anything But Cans! Through the generosity of our community members, they received 1,800 pounds of food! However, they fell short of their 3,000-lb goal and are still in need of several items. Next time you’re out grocery shopping, consider picking up one or two things for the pantry. Food insecure individuals and families in Burlington will benefit loads from your generosity. Here are some items they could use:
Kids’ snacks for the summer lunch program. This wasn’t on the ABC list, but the supply has recently become very low.
juice boxes
small bags of pretzels and crackers
applesauce pouches
Toilet paper
Baby wipes
Thank you for your generosity in supporting this valuable service for our must vulnerable community members.
Town Meeting attendance for the January and May, 2023, Town Meetings has been posted on the website. Take a look, and reach out to your Town Meeting members to thank them for their representation or to chat about what’s preventing them from attending Town Meeting. Every precinct deserves full representation at Town Meeting.
Primary season is approaching, and the Burlington Democratic Town Committee will be holding its annual caucus on May 31 to choose delegates to attend the state convention on September 23. Learn more and get involved here. (Note: I reached out to Republican Town Committee to ask if there was anything I could highlight, and there was not.)
There will be a free workshop-luncheon on June 10 called Investing in Real Estate, hosted by Kadilak Realty Group. Learn more and get your ticket here!
Today in Burlington
Meetings and Events
- 6:30 PM - Conservation Commission meets to discuss projects at District Ave, Mall Road, and Beaverbrook Road, as well as some residential projects. (Town Hall and virtual)
- 6:30 PM - Free Blood Pressure Screening at the Library
- 7:00 PM - Rules Committee will meet to debrief Town Meeting. They’ll talk about attendance, delinquencies, and more. (Town Hall Annex)
Sports and Activities
Mixed results from volleyball last night, as our JV squad lost 0-2 and Varsity won 3-1 against Somerville. No word yet on scores from girls’ tennis or unified basketball.
Lacrosse is the only sport on the schedule today. Girls host Masconomet Regional High School, with Varsity playing at 4:15 and JV playing at 5:30. Boys host North Andover at 7:30.
That’s all I’ve got for you. I hope you have a lovely day!