Daily Buzz | Help Burlington Kids Raise Money to Fight Cancer
It's not too late to register for the PMC Kids Ride this weekend

Good morning!
I hope your Monday wasn’t too rough on you.
I wrote about all those ways to contact me yesterday and neglected to mention that you are more than welcome to email photos for me to feature in each edition. I love seeing great photos from around town!
Bike Ride Sunday to Benefit Dana-Farber and the Jimmy Fund
I mentioned the PMC Kids Ride this Sunday (September 18) at The District, but neglected to link the website or give any information about it. I wanted to be sure you know the details in case you’re interested in registering your kiddos.
Registration begins at 8:00 and the ride will start at 9:15. The ride itself will be pretty short, but there will be all sorts of fun activities afterward to celebrate the ride’s completion.
The registration fee is $20, and riders will need to raise $40; funds raised will benefit Dana-Farber Cancer Institute and the Jimmy Fund.
They are also looking for adult riders to ride the course and make sure kids are doing okay. Email questions about this or any other part of the event here.
You can click on the website above for more information.
Today in Burlington
I’ll apparently be at MSMS for 2 hours tonight, but the rest of you can check out the following meetings.
- 4:30 PM - Planning Board Sculpture Park Subcommittee - I’m not seeing much by way of an agenda, but there is a link to join virtually.
- 6:15 PM - 6th grade Back to School Night at MSMS
- 7:00 PM - Board of Health has what looks to be a very short meeting with just one permit request regarding the keeping of animals. (Join online)
- 7:00 PM - School Committee looks to have a pretty short meeting in store as well. They’ll talk about a Spanish exchange trip, the 2022/23 COVID protocols, and several other things. (Join online)
Burlington Sports Today
Light day today, all at home versus Reading.
- 4:00 - Varsity Girls’ Field Hockey
- 4:15 - Freshman Boys’ Soccer
- 5:30 - JV Girls’ Field Hockey
That’s it for today. I hope to increase my sports coverage slowly as the year goes on. Let me know what you love and hate about it!