Daily Buzz | Grab Coffee with a Cop This Morning
Also, Farmer's Market moved to next Wednesday

Good Morning, neighbor!
Lots of loose ends to tie up before leaving at pitch-black-o’clock tomorrow for a journey to the center of the country. So, I’ll be quick.
Today in Burlington
Here’s your summary of what’s happening today in Burlington.
- 7:30 AM - Planning Board Sculpture Park Subcommittee meets to discuss, among other things, an autumn event and a construction update. (Join online)
- 8:30-10:30 AM - Coffee with a Cop at the Bagel Bar
- 2:30 PM - Shawsheen School Council will discuss the 2022-23 School Improvement Plan.
- 4:00-7:00 PM - Farmer’s Market at Wayside - POSTPONED to 10/12
- 6:00 PM - Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Committee meets to talk about the next quarterly report to be delivered to the Select Board later this month. (Join online)
- 6:30 PM - Shawsheen Policy Subcommittee will discuss several draft policies, including staff personal security and safety and disposal of surplus school property.
- 6:30 PM - Transportation Committee meets to review their recommendations to the Select Board. (Join online)
I’ll say more about this next week, but the volleyball team’s Spike Out Cancer fundraiser for the American Cancer Society will be next Friday, 10/14! For more information and to get your raffle ticket, click here.
Our Field Hockey players fell 1-0 against Wilmington this weekend and 3-0 against Arlington Monday. JV lost against Arlington Monday 2-0.
As I mentioned, there were no sports on the calendar yesterday, and there are no high school sports on it today, either. However, our Junior Red Devils football team out of MSMS will be playing in Melrose at 7:00 tonight. Let’s wish them luck!
That’s all for me today. Have a great one!
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