Daily Buzz | Get to Know Our Sculpture Park
Also, Town Meeting, Day 2, begins at 7:30

Good morning, friends!
I hope you enjoyed my live tweets on Monday. I didn’t advertise it too much ahead of time, because I wasn’t sure I was going to be able to handle it, but it worked out really well, and I’ll be doing that again tonight!
Just a couple quick words today.
Welcome and Thanks
First, I wanted to welcome new folks. Subscriptions have started inching up again, and it’s only because of referrals from friends and neighbors that new folks come to the party.
It’s also only because of tips and paid subscriptions that I’m able to set aside the time to work on the Buzz every day and also keep it free to the community. I don’t have a ton of perks for paid members yet, but you do make it possible for me to advertise, R&D some merchandise, and offer podcasts and other perks in the future. So, if you would like to support me financially in this effort, you are welcome to click one the above links and do so.
Forwarding this message and sharing on social media is another great way to attract new followers - my goal is to have the entire community here in some form.
Get to Know the Sculpture Park
Have you spent any time in the Sculpture Park? It’s one of my favorite spots in town, and I can sometimes be found there hunched over my phone or chasing Baby Buzz from one sculpture to the next. A funding request from the Sculpture Park will be discussed either today or next Monday at Town Meeting. I put together a little piece on the history and projected future of the Sculpture Park, which you can find below.
Today in Burlington
Town Meeting will actually begin at 7:30 - sorry for the pendulum swinging back and forth. There is some setup that needs to be done, and in order for TM to start on time, the Moderator has moved the time back to 7:30. Don’t forget to check out the latest updates by following #burlingtonmatownmeeting on Twitter.
- 4:00 PM - Council on Aging has its regular meeting (Join via Webex)
- 6:00 PM - DEI Subcommittee meets to discuss some updates, including union contracts and a Select Board + DEI Committee Leadership Program. (Join via Webex)
- 6:15 PM - Ways and Means meets to discuss Warrant Articles 16-23 and 28. (Join via Webex)
- 7:30 PM - Annual Town Meeting - Continued. Reminder: This meeting starts at 7:30, not 7:00. We’ll start with Capital Budget Article 7-13, and get to whatever we can get to by the time a motion is made to adjourn (typically around 11:00. (Watch on Facebook)
That’s it for now. See you on Twitter!