Daily Buzz | First Farmer’s Market a Success, Talk of More to Come
Also, Select Board has an off-cycle meeting tonight

Good Morning!
I only have so long before I have to leave for my day job, so this will be a quick one.
Farmer’s Market on the Greenway
Last night, the first Farmer’s and Artisan’s Market was held on the greenway at Wayside Common, in conjunction with the Made in Burlington store. It was super fun and well-attended! From face painting to alpacas, succulents to delicious desserts, the event drew vendors from all over the area and lots of families!
My sources tell me there is already talk of another event this fall! Be sure to follow Made in Burlington on Facebook and Instagram so you’ll know when it’s announced. Thanks to everyone who came out!
Select Board Meets Tonight
There is one meeting on the agenda, added since I put out the weekly.
5:30 - Select Board meets to discuss renaming a private drive, approving some events, and approving 4 one-day liquor licenses for Wegmans. (Do I smell some Beer Gardens in our future?) They’ll also talk about Town Meeting articles for September. (Join online)
And just like that, we’re done.
See you tomorrow!