Daily Buzz | Find Museum Passes for Every Interest at Your Library
Also, crucial step taken toward a new Fox Hill

Hello, Neighbors!
As expected the Fox Hill School building community voted last night to send their preferred schematic report (PSR) to the Massachusetts School Building Authority, the state agency that provides reimbursements for selected projects to renovate or construct new school buildings.
A clerical error was discovered in the spreadsheets that were used long ago to project total costs, but it was found to affect all new options proportionally. (You might remember that the renovation and renovation-addition options were taken off the table relatively early in the process.) The impact to taxpayers was negligible, keeping the total annual increase in property taxes for the median home to about $200.
Once the PSR is submitted, the MSBA is expected to approve it at an upcoming meeting, and then the design team will get to work creating a building schematic for state approval; this will take the process into the summer.
Find Museum Passes for Every Interest at Your Library
If you’re looking for a fun and educational indoor activity this winter, the Burlington Public Library has just the thing. Make the most out of your library’s partnerships with local museums and find a great place to spend the day, alone or with family or friends.
From big names like Boston Children’s Museum and the Museum of Science, to lesser-known places like the Larz Anderson Auto Museum in Brookline and the House of Seven Gables in Salem, you’re sure to find something informative and entertaining, no matter what you’re interested in.
Check out the Burlington Public Library’s museum passes page today!
Today in Burlington
Municipal Meetings and Community Events
- 10:30-11:00AM - Toddler Storytime-Kids ages 18-36 months foster their new love for reading and making messes…I mean friends! (Library; No registration required)
- 3:00-4:00PM - Teen Volunteer: Bookend Painting - Second opportunity to help beautify the teen area of the library. (Library; Registration Required)
- 7:00PM - Shawsheen School Committee Meeting - Hear a report from the superintendent, vote on the policy manual update, discuss the student council selection process, get an update on the MSBA and so much more! (Shawsheen HS and YouTube)
- 7:30PM - Board of Appeals: Public hearings for sign permits for CMT Realty at 0 Bedford Street and Wellness Pet Company at 77 South Bedford Street; 39 Hilltop Drive seeking a variance for a garage addition. (Town Hall Main Hearing Room and broadcast on BCAT)
Sports and Activities
Red Devils basketball will take on Lexington today, with boys traveling and girls hosting. The cheerleaders will also be out in Lexington today!
- 4:15PM - JV Boys @ Lexington
- 4:30PM - JV Girls @ Home
- 5:30PM - Freshman Boys @ Lexington
- 6:00PM - Varsity Boys @ Lexington
- 6:00PM - Varsity Girls @ Home
- 6:00PM - Cheerleading Varsity Girls @ Lexington High
That’s all I’ve got for you today. Have a lovely Tuesday!
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