Daily Buzz | Don't Miss These Grand Openings in Burlington Today
And, get your cookbook now for the March book club meetup

Good Morning, Burlington!
Thanks to everyone who came out to our first-ever Hive Cocktail Hour last night at Common Craft. Candidates and voters enjoyed connecting with each other over a plate of yummy food and a beverage. To get your invite to the next Hive Meetup, upgrade your membership. Members also receive exclusive content like Roundups, In-Depth features, and columns like Bill Boivin’s Plants and Animals.
So far, 98% of Hive members have said they are somewhat satisfied (11%) or very satisfied (87%!) with their membership, and exclusive offerings will only increase in 2024. Oh, and here’s a reminder and convenient link to fill out our audience survey.
Yesterday, the Used Bookstore added 3 gift cards for our drawing, which will happen this Sunday! Be sure to get your info in before then.
Get Your Cookbook Now for the March Cookbook Book Club Meetup
If you enjoy cooking and trying new recipes, Burlington Public Library has the perfect club for you.
The Cookbook Book Club meets on the first Friday of every month. But members don’t just go to talk about food and cooking. They actually cook and bring a dish from the month’s cookbook for all to try. The first meeting was held on February 2, and the food, conversation, and company were wonderful, according to Marci Milesky.
Attendees not only shared their dishes; they also shared ideas and hiccups that came up when it was time to cook. Part of what made the meeting fun, according to Marci, was the variety of dishes they were able to try—including some dishes folks wouldn’t have tried on their own.
The club builds interest and openness for new dishes, techniques, and cuisines, and it provides a great opportunity to connect with others who share a love for cooking and food. Pick up your cookbook at the library circulation desk now for the next meeting, which will be on March 1. You’ll want plenty of time to look through the book and maybe even practice the recipe you plan to bring!
Don't Miss These Grand Openings in Burlington Today
Two Burlington businesses are holding their grand opening celebrations today, and they want you to visit! Yas Chicken opens at 11:00 at 90 Middlesex Turnpike and is offering a free waffle with any $20 chicken purchase through the weekend. And, H&M opens at the mall at noon. They will be offering a free gift card to the first 100 customers who check out!
Free Home Buying Workshop This Weekend
If you’re looking to buy a home—or even wondering if buying a home is a good idea in this market—don’t miss the opportunity to attend a free Lunch & Learn workshop this weekend, sponsored by Kadilak Realty Group. KRG provides free workshops designed to empower buyers and sellers at any stage of the home ownership process, and this weekend they’re teaming up with Kevin Gillis from Guaranteed Rate to help ensure you have all the information to make the right decision for you regarding your next steps in real estate. Learn more by clicking the story below!
Community Information
This Weekend: Free Home Buying Workshop in Middleton, MA
Nicci Kadilak • Feb 7, 2024

Press Release from Kadilak Realty Group February 6, 2024 Are you thinking about buying a home in this fast-changing market? Join us in Middleton, MA on Saturday, February 10, for this FREE “Home Buying, Simplified!” Lunch and Learn event hosted by Susan Kadilak, a local real estate broker with over 20 years of experience. We are also partnered with SVP of…
Read full story →
Today in Burlington
Municipal Meetings and Community Events
- 9:00 AM-2:30 PM - Fox Hill Kindergarten Registration (BHS)
9:00 AM -Housing Authority(Tower Hill Community Room)POSTPONED TO 2/22- 11:00 AM - Special Education Parent Advisory Committee (SEPAC) meets to discuss a program review, and upcoming Basic Rights training, and more. (Virtual)
- 12:30-3:00 PM - Bridge Club (Human Resources Building, 2nd floor)
- 2:15 PM - Shawsheen School Council meets to discuss the student attendance policy, the strategic plan, and more. (Shawsheen Tech)
- 4:00-4:45 PM - Lunar New Year Crafts - Kids in PreK-Grade 3 can make new friends and get creative while learning about Lunar New Year. 2024 is the year of the dragon and is celebrated this year starting Saturday. (Library; Register)
- 6:00 PM - Recreation Commission - will start their discussion of the FY25 budget, and it looks like they might want to purchase a skid steer this year! (Town Hall Annex Meeting Room)
- 6:30 PM - BHS Building Committee will vote to select a designer to conduct a feasibility study on the school and its campus. (BHS School Committee Room and Virtual)
- 6:30 PM - Conservation Commission - A review on the wetland bylaw fees, notice of intent from a resident on Dublin Circle, and much more. (Town Hall Main Hearing Room and Virtual)
- 7:00 PM - Library Trustees will review the programming policy. (Library)
Sports and Activities
Boys tied up their hockey game yesterday in Watertown 2-2, bringing them to a record of 8-6-3.
Today we have girls’ hockey, as the Lady Devils host Belmont at the Ice Palace at 5:00.
There’s also a gymnastics meet at BHS at 6:00, as our 5-0 gymnasts look to remain undefeated against Reading.
That’s all for today, friends. Be sure to tune in tomorrow for more ways to connect with your community. See you then!
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