Daily Buzz | Don’t Miss Culture Night
Also, updates on Cambridge Street, PFAS Filters, and gas line work

Good Morning, Neighbors!
Today is the last day to submit applications for the income-restricted 62+ unit at Grandview Commons. More info here.
Many of you who responded to the Sustainability Survey mentioned both general and specific questions about public works updates, and I’m happy to say I have some updates for you.
Cambridge Street
The repaving project on Cambridge Street is delayed, but they allegedly do plan on performing it. Additional traffic study was done, and MassDOT plans to host another community meeting about the project in the semi-near future.
In the meantime, it’s not a secret that there are many potholes on the road. Your best bet to have those remedied before that project takes place is to contact the state. You can do this by calling MassDOT at 857-DOT-INFO (857-368-4636) or 877-MA-DOT-GOV (877-623-6846). If you see any town-owned roads that need attention, please call the DPW at 781-270-1670.
PFAS Filters
Manufacturing was stalled for a part we needed to get the PFAS filters up and running. That part, a prefilter, was delivered and installed last week, and the DPW hopes to get the filters up and running in the next week or two.
Why Are the Roads Being Dug Up?
There’s been some traffic and road work on Wilmington Road, and also in the Middlesex Turnpike and Mall Road area. That work is being done by the gas company, in case people were curious. (I get caught in that traffic multiple times a day, and so maybe this one was just for me.
I’ll continue keeping you in the loop about these projects and more.
Share this with someone who wants to know when they can start guzzling water straight from the tap.
Today in Burlington
Meetings and Events
- 9:00 AM - Fox Hill School Building - Financial Working Group will talk about local actions and approvals. (Virtual)
- 12:00 PM - Select Board Alcohol Subcommittee will discuss a new beer & wine license for Town & Country. (Town Hall)
- 6:00 PM - Select Board will vote on whether to submit a letter of support for the Winn View Heights II housing development project. They’ll also discuss some single-day liquor licenses for the Economic Development Office, and I have a feeling I know what those are for! Also on the agenda: Updates to the Town Common policy, Appointment of a new Social Worker, Town Meeting and Election dates, and more. (Town Hall and Virtual)
- 6:30-8:00 PM - Culture Night at Simonds Park
- 7:00 PM - Tween Diamond Art at the library: Mandalas
That’s all I’ve got for you today. Have a great one!