Daily Buzz | Celebrate AAPI Storytelling at the Theater this Season
Tickets for The Dragonfly Plays are on sale now

Good Morning, Neighbor!
Thanks so much for all the Buzz birthday wishes yesterday! We didn’t meet our fundraising goal, but what we did raise will help support our independence and sustainability for the next several months!
We’ll leave the fundraiser open for a few more hours in case there are any procrastinators like me in the room. Don’t forget, your contribution is tax-deductible and will help pay to build out the new Burlington Buzz website to work better for our community.
Reminder: Affordable Housing Lottery
There have been many inquiries into the affordable housing unit that was recently opened for lottery applications, and there is still time to get in your application! The newly renovated home at 119 South Bedford Street is available for $318,500 to a qualified buyer. An open house will be held on March 2, and applications will be accepted until noon on March 21. Read through the application for details regarding income and other requirements, then reach out to Burlington’s Affordable Housing Office for more information!
Hazardous Waste Cleanup Forum Today
The Board of Health tonight will be holding a forum regarding the status of hazardous waste cleanup in the Town Center’s Central Business District. Chlorinated solvents from a former dry cleaner (which closed in 1970) and chlorinated volatile organic compounds (CVOCs) were both found in the same general area at 179 Cambridge Street and 18 Terry Ave. Cleanup has been ongoing for some time.
Burlington hired an environmental consultant with a grant from MA DEP and would like to update the public on the progress of the work. See the schedule below for more details!
Celebrate AAPI Storytelling at the Theater this Season
Theatergoers are in for a treat this winter, as The Asian-American Playwright Collective and the Burlington Players collaborate to present AAPI Voices: The Dragonfly Plays.
This collection is made up of three shorter plays, all written by local Asian American playwrights and performed by and directed by Asian American artists; the plays all explore themes of identity, cultural significance, and the illusions we create for ourselves and others.
From the blurred reality of a bus-stop or asylum in Chagrin Valley, to a Japanese internment camp in Don't Fence Me In, to a global trot spanning continents in Secret Asian Man, The Dragonfly Plays span a variety of settings. The dragonfly is used as a unifying symbol, tying together many Asian cultures and touching on the plays’ themes of “resilience, hope, and the power of different views, stories and perspectives,” says producer Michelle Aguillon.
The Burlington Players and the AAPC invite you to join them in celebrating cultural diversity and a profound exploration of the human experience. The Dragonfly Plays will run from February 23 through March 9: Thursdays, Fridays, and Saturdays at 8:00 PM, and Sundays at 2:00 PM.
Here’s the list of individual plays:
- Chagrin Valley by Hortense Gerardo, directed by Michelle Aguillon, and features Steve Bermundo, Karla Goo Lang and Naomi Ibasitas
- Don't Fence Me In by Rosanna Yamagiwa Alfaro, directed by Michelle Aguillon, features Violet Villanueva, Mordecai SJ Choi, and Chantha Luk
- Secret Asian Man by Dev Luthra, directed by Vincent Siders, and features Dev Luthra
Get your tickets online now or by calling (781) 229-2649.
Today in Burlington
Municipal Meetings and Community Events
- 8:00 AM - Sculpture Park Meeting will include discussions on the pig parade, Park financials, and spring events. (Virtual)
8:00 AM -Ways & Means Town Hall I SubcommitteePOSTPONED TO 2/22- 11:00-11:45 PM - Polar Bear Party - Kids in PreK-3rd grade, bring your younger siblings and join us for fun polar bear stories and activities. (Library, Register)
- 11:00 AM - Stringing Shamrocks Bracelet Class - All ages are invited to come make bracelets for the upcoming St. Patrick’s Day, or just a fun bracelet that you design. Kristen from KC StYleS will be on hand to make suggestions or help in any way. Bring your friends! (Made in Burlington)
- 1:00 PM- Healthy Happenings - Lower back and sciatica pain with Mike Stare of Spectrum Fitness (Council on Aging)
- 2:00 PM - Board of Health Tri-Ton Coalition Advisory Board will hear an update from epidemiologist Katy Doughty, programs & public health initiatives, Lexington health week, and more. (Virtual)
5:30-7:00 PM - Forum on Hazardous Waste Cleanup - presented by the Board of Health, this opportunity to learn more about the environmental cleanup efforts in the central business district (Cambridge St and Terry Ave area) in Burlington will feature Susan Bator, LSP, the Principal Environmental Scientist for GeoEngineers. (Grand View Farm)
If you are passionate about environmental cleanup and would like to contribute to beautifying Burlington, join this local group on Facebook.
- 5:30 PM - Housing Partnership will hold a discussion and vote of new officers (the chair and vice chair positions), there will be an update regarding 119 South Bedford Street and the lottery application process, an MBTA Communities discussion, and more. (Virtual)
- 6:00 PM - Election Worker Training (Town Hall Annex)
- 7:00 PM - Historical Commission will mainly focus on the big celebration plans for Burlington’s 225th Birthday coming up on February 28 (3:00-7:00 PM at Grandview)! (Grand View Farm)
- 7:00-8:00 PM - Fables & Fantasy Book Club - join your neighbors and Librarian Daphne and take a journey through Spoonbenders by Daryl Gregory. This book spans multiple generations of psychics as they are challenged to use their collective powers in order to save themselves from the CIA and others. You can pickup a copy at the library or on Libby/Overdrive. Questions? Contact Daphne at dgoldfinch@burlingtonpl.org or 781-270-1691. (Library, Register only if it’s your first time attending)
- 7:00-8:00 PM - Tween Event: Mario Kart - What is more fun that playing Mario Kart on your game console at home? Battling your friends on the big screen at the library! Grab a friend, register and come hang out! For kids in grades 4-8. (Library, Register)
Sports and Activities
Lady Devils beat Melrose in Hockey yesterday in their game, which was rescheduled from the anticipated snowstorm last week. This 7-1 win brings them to 16-1-2.
Lots more hockey on the calendar today, with girls hosting Wellesley at 11:00 and boys hosting Framingham at 6:00, both at the Ice Palace. There’s also a girls’ basketball game at 3:00 against Acton-Boxborough at BHS.
That’s it for today. Have a great one, Burlington!
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