Daily Buzz | Burlington Grad Returns to Speak to Historical Society
And don't forget to help grow the Buzz!

Greetings and salutations for another buzzy week. Take a nice last inhale of the weekend, because it was a gorgeous one. I’m looking forward to a lot more of those.
I’m going to take a break from summarizing the Town Meeting Warrant, because there are only 9 more articles to go, and I think we can wait and take a look at them later in the week. Also, it was a great weekend, but I’m ready to relax a little.
Keep Spreading the Word
I haven’t mentioned social media or sharing lately. Also, free subscriptions have quite leveled. Coincidence? I doubt it. I’d love to continue building a subscriber base here in Burlington. Many of you tell me you look forward to the Buzz and it’s the first thing you read each morning, which is a huge honor. There are thousands of people in town, however, who have no idea who I am. I’m working on some ideas for that, including appearances at the summer events (with swag, of course!).
But you’re my best advocate, so please don’t be shy about telling all your Burlington friends, family members, parents, children, and random people you see on the street about the Buzz. Also feel free to follow our Instagram, Facebook, and Twitter accounts and share at will!
Huge thanks to all you paid users who make this all possible. Every week some of you convert from free to paying subscriptions, which sends me the message that what I have to offer is valuable and also pays for my childcare and labor. You’re the best.
Historical Society to Have Special Guest Speaker
Class of ’72 BHS graduate, Stephen Puleo, will be speaking at the Historical Society’s meeting this Thursday, May 5. Stephen is the author of seven published books and his promoting his latest, Voyage of Mercy, which chronicles the USS Jamestown. This warship was transformed into a lifeline for the Irish during the Irish Famine in what would be America’s first humanitarian relief effort.
The meeting will be held at the Human Resources Building at 61 Center Street, next to Grandview Farm. Doors open at 6:30 and the program begins at 7:00 p.m. There is no entrance fee and ALL ARE WELCOME!
Thanks to Burlington Historical Society President, Mary Nohelty, for reaching out to share this wonderful opportunity.
Today in Burlington
Just a couple meetings on the agenda today:
- 5:30 PM - Zoning Bylaw Review Committee Sign Subcommittee will be meeting to continue talking about establishing a permanent Design Review Committee and reviewing Article 13 of the Zoning Bylaws. (Join via Zoom)
- 6:00 PM - Burlington Youth and Family Services meets. The agenda on the town website is pretty light, so it looks like just a regular meeting, and detail will be added into the minutes. (Join via Webex)
Have a great day, Burlington!