Daily Buzz | Bring Me To Burlington Website to Get a Makeover
$30K grant will support the effort

Good Morning, Neighbors!
Years ago, when I would tell someone I lived in Burlington, after clarifying that we were talking about Massachusetts, not Vermont, they would, 9 times out of ten, say, “Oh, I love your mall.”
The mall has changed and updated since then, but we also have a thriving retail and business sector outside the mall. In fact, our commercial sector is so large, it enables our residents to enjoy a lower tax rate than all but one of our neighboring towns. Business activity has only increased and gained focus as the Economic Development Office, created in 2019, has put tremendous effort into attracting businesses and securing grants to enhance the vitality and accessibility of these sectors.
The Bring Me To Burlington website was one part of this work, and it currently makes a good case for why businesses should want to come here. But a new grant will revitalize this site, with added focus on activities for individuals and families. The idea is to make Burlington an attractive travel destination, increasing overnight hotel stays and thereby benefitting both those businesses and residents.
Read more below!
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Susan Kadilak, Broker Owner. Call/ text: 781-799-4080; Email: Susan@KadilakRealtyGroup.com
Today in Burlington
Meetings and Events
- 10:30 AM - Family Movie Showing at the library
- 4:30 PM - Conservation Commission Subcommittee to dicusss incoporating climate change resilience in Wetlands and Stormwater Bylaws & Regulations (Town Hall and virtual)
- 6:30 PM - Tween Boba & Movie Night at the library (Register)
- 7:00 PM - Board of Appeals will meet to discuss a couple of variances to divide one lot into two corner lots and maintain all proper setbacks. They’ll also be hearing a proposal for a sign at a new med spa at Wayside. (Public Hearings begin at 7:30 in the Town Hall Main Hearing Room)
Sports and Activities
Lacrosse today, with girls playing in Billerica (JV at 10:30 and Varsity at 12:00) and Varsity boys hosting Westford at 10:00. There’s also a softball game against Wahconah Regional High School at 11:00.
That’s it for today! Have a great one!